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Intune Fails to Deploy Dell Optimizer Version 4.2.2 When Downloaded from the Microsoft Store

Resumen: Information about Intune not deploying Dell Optimizer version 4.2.2 if it is downloaded from the Microsoft Store.

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App Does Not Have a Valid Latest Package Version Error

Intune shows an error message, "The selected app does not have a valid latest package version" (Figure 1).
InTune Error Message
Figure 1

Note: Available exclusively on select Dell Latitude, Precision, OptiPlex, and Rugged PCs.


Dell Optimizer did not pass the Intune verification that requires apps to install on all hardware (Dell and non-Dell).


Manually Deploy Dell Optimizer

As a workaround, IT Admin can try the following to manually deploy Dell Optimizer through Intune.

  1. Download the Dell Optimizer installer from
  2. Follow the below instructions:
  3. Install the software using this command: Install command: Dell-Optimizer-Application_xxxxx_WIN_x.x.x.x_A00.EXE /passthrough /silent /InstallDotNet=true /FACTORY=TRUE
Note: To uninstall, use the following command: Uninstall command: Dell-Optimizer-Application_xxxxx_WIN_x.x.x.x_A00.EXE /passthrough /silent /remove

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Productos afectados

Alienware, Inspiron, OptiPlex, Vostro, XPS, G Series, G Series, Alienware, Inspiron, Latitude, Vostro, XPS, Fixed Workstations, Mobile Workstations
Propiedades del artículo
Número del artículo: 000224821
Tipo de artículo: Solution
Última modificación: 13 mar 2025
Versión:  5
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