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How to upgrade the firmware for Dell EMC Networking X-Series switches via USB

Resumen: How to upgrade the firmware for Dell EMC X-Series switches via USB

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This article explains how to upgrade the firmware on the Dell EMC X-series switch



Step 1: Copy the firmware file (.ros) and boot code file (.rfb) to the USB

SLN318800_en_US__1icon Note: Make sure the USB is on fat 32 format
SLN318800_en_US__1icon Note: Visit How to access your Dell Digital Locker for information about accessing and downloading from the Dell Digital Locker. 


Step: 2 : Log in to the switch web interface Switch management -> File update and backup . Select option USB. The .ros file must be updated by selecting software image.



Step 3: Update the .rfb file by selecting the boot code option for boot code update.

Step 4: Select the version of the firmware to be upgraded after switch reload. Active firmware image->Apply version after reboot


Step 5: Save the configuration before reload. Reload the switch by using the option "reboot" on the setting option available on top right.


Caution: After saving the configuration, make sure that the switch configurations is backed up. Check out this article that exlains how to back up your configuration externally - How to save, backup, and restore configuration to X1000 and X4000 series switches




Productos afectados

Dell Networking X1000 Series, Dell Networking X4000 Series
Propiedades del artículo
Número del artículo: 000131982
Tipo de artículo: Solution
Última modificación: 21 feb 2021
Versión:  3
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