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How to Download Dell Threat Defense

Resumen: Learn how to download Dell Threat Defense by following these instructions.

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The Dell Threat Defense client is only available for download within the tenant (cloud management console).

Affected Products:

  • Dell Threat Defense

Affected Operating Systems:

  • Windows
  • Mac

  1. From a web browser, go to the Dell Threat Defense administration console at:
    Note: If an invite expiration is displayed, reference How to Resolve an Invite Expiration for Dell Threat Defense.
  2. Log in to the Dell Threat Defense console.
    Dell Threat Defense administration console
  3. Select the Settings tab and then click Deployments.
  4. Select either Windows or Mac, select the installation format, and then click Download.
    Downloading the installer
    Note: For information about the installation process, reference How to Install Dell Threat Defense.

To contact support, reference Dell Data Security International Support Phone Numbers.
Go to TechDirect to generate a technical support request online.
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Productos afectados

Dell Threat Defense
Propiedades del artículo
Número de artículo: 000129639
Tipo de artículo: How To
Última modificación: 29 ago 2024
Versión:  12
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