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How do I find the serial number of a CLARiiON array?

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Q: How do I find the serial number of a CLARiiON array?

A: There are three ways to locate the serial number of a CLARiiON array

  • Navisphere Manager shows the serial number when the properties of the array are displayed.
  1. Right-click the on the array 
  2. Select Properties
  • The Navisphere CLI getagent command line returns the serial number.
  1. Run the command:   
navicli -h <IP_address_of_either SP> getagent

The output of the command looks similar to the below. The serial number is in bold.

Agent Rev: 6.2.1 (0.4)
Name: K10
Node: A-APM000249XXXX4
Physical Node: K10
Signature: 717010
Peer Signature: 717008
SCSI Id: 0
Model: 600
Model Type: Rackmount
Prom Rev: 3.09.00
SP Memory: 4022
Serial No: APM000249XXXX4
SP Identifier: A
Cabinet: SPE

  • Look at the back of the array. There is a WWN seed sticker beside the serial number sticker.

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Propiedades del artículo
Número de artículo: 000020755
Tipo de artículo: How To
Última modificación: 20 nov 2020
Versión:  2
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