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PowerEdge: How to view and extract log from MX7000 using OME-Modular

Resumen: This article describes a method to collecting Extract Logs that are used by Technical Support to troubleshoot any hardware or firmware issues.

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PowerEdge MX7000 comes with a Management Module that provides chassis management. Management Module supports High Availability with the help of a redundant module. An integral feature of the management firmware is to keep a detailed log of events from managed devices and software events in the management firmware. Firmware logs collected from Management Module components, which can be used for troubleshooting, are grouped as Extract Logs.
It is important to note that Extracting Logs is on-demand (user initiated) from Management Module are always stored in network share that customer configures. They are never sent directly to Dell support. The customer has to explicitly share the file with Dell tech-support so that they can begin investing the logs.

Note: This procedure must be carried out on the lead chassis if a chassis group exists.

Table of Content

1. Viewing chassis alerts.
2. Viewing chassis hardware logs.
3. Extract Log using Management Module.

1. Viewing chassis alerts.

On the OME-Modular home page, click Alerts to view details of the alerts that are triggered for the events that occurred in the chassis. You can also view the chassis hardware details by clicking Devices > Chassis > View Details > Alerts: You can sort the list of alerts based on the following advanced filters:

  • Severity

  • Acknowledge

  • Start Date

  • End Date

  • Source Name

  • Category

  • Subcategory

  • Message

Select an alert to view the summary of the alert.
You can also perform the following activities on the Alerts page.
  • Acknowledge

  • Unacknowledge

  • Ignore

  • Export

  • Delete



2. Viewing chassis hardware logs.

The logs of activities that are performed on the hardware components that are associated with the chassis are displayed on the OME-Modular Hardware Logs page. The log details that are displayed include severity, message ID, category, timestamp, and description. You can also view the chassis hardware logs by clicking Devices >Chassis > View Details > Hardware Logs.

You can perform the following tasks on the Hardware Logs page:

  • Click Advanced Filter to filter the logs based on severity, message ID, start date, end date, or category.

  • Click Export > Export Current Page to export all the displayed logs.

  • Select a specific log and click Export.

NOTE: If a racrestcfg is performed, the message, "CMC8709 and CMC8710 logs are appearing two times each, one for slot 1 and other for slot 2," is displayed on the Hardware Logs page.



3. Extract Log using Management Module.

Collecting Extract Log Management Module’s web interface provides an option to initiate Extract Log collection. See the Management Module REST API document for information about using APIs for log collection. Go to: Home page > Troubleshoot menu > Extract Log.

the picture shows the position in the OME to find the log extraction option

Management Module supports two methods of saving Extract Logs to the customer’s network.
- NFS Share
- CIFS Share
- Locally to device

Collecting Logs to NFS Share
Choosing "NFS" brings up: Input the network share address and path in fields that are shown above.

The pictures shows the extract logs NFS option

Collecting Logs to CIFS
Choosing "NFS" brings up Input the mandatory fields - network share address, path, username, and password. Domain is an optional field.
The picture shows the Extract logs CIFS option 


Collecting Logs Locally to the Device
With the Management Modules firmware release 1.10.00 and above, it is possible to locally gather the chassis logs.

All extract options 

Once the log collection job is finished, go back to the Extract Log menu to download the logs locally to the device, as shown in the figure below. 

Log download date and time 

Once data is available then active support calls can be enabled to ensure the fastest time to resolution. This ZIP file can be shared with support to ensure detailed analysis of chassis configurations to ensure the most effective support which can plan and action for the health and insight into the PowerEdge MX.


Productos afectados

PowerEdge MX7000
Propiedades del artículo
Número de artículo: 000131248
Tipo de artículo: Solution
Última modificación: 31 oct 2024
Versión:  6
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