PowerEdge: Update Firmware Via HTTPS Using iDRAC 7-8-9
Resumen:This article provides a guide to updating a server's firmware using the Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 7, 8 or 9 using the online update catalog and a HTTPS connection.
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The iDRAC allows the firmware of the local server to be remotely updated.
This article explains how to use the HTTPS location type to update the firmware using a Dell Update Package.
FTP and HTTP protocols are still options to connect to the Dell online catalog file.
The online Dell Update Packages (DUPs) requires an HTTPS connection to download.
HTTPS location option requires iDRAC9 firmware version, iDRAC8 firmware version, and iDRAC7 firmware version or newer firmware versions.
For IDRAC8, iDRAC Enterprise license or higher license level is required to use any remote update location (Network Share, FTP, TFTP, HTTP, or HTTPS).
With IDRAC8 Express license, only local location is available for use:
Figure 1: Idrac8 Express License Upload options
With IDRAC8 Enterprise License, local and remote methods are available for use:
iDRAC Enterprise license or higher license level is required to schedule automatic updates.
You can create a periodic recurring schedule for iDRAC to check for new firmware updates.
At the scheduled date and time, iDRAC connects to the specified destination, checks for updates, and applies or stages all applicable updates.
Log in to the iDRAC web interface
Navigate to the update menu:
iDRAC9: Maintenance → System Update > Automatic Update. The Firmware Update page is displayed.
iDRAC8 and iDRAC7: Overview > iDRAC Settings > Update and Rollback. The Firmware Update page is displayed.
Click the Enable Automatic Update option.
Select the Server Reboot type
Schedule Updates — Stage the firmware updates but do not reboot the server.
Schedule Updates and reboot Server —Enables server reboot after the firmware updates are staged.
Select an HTTPS location.
HTTPS address is downloads.dell.com
In the Update Window Schedule section, specify the start time for the firmware update and the frequency of the updates (daily, weekly, or monthly). For information about the fields, see the iDRAC Online Help.
Click Schedule Update. The next scheduled job is created in the job queue. Five minutes after the first instance of the recurring job starts, the job for the next time period is created.
iDRAC9 System Update Screen - Automatic Update Tab:
Figure 5: iDRAC9 System Update Screen - Automatic Update Tab
iDRAC7/8 System Update Screen - Automatic Update Tab:
Figure 6: iDRAC7/8 System Update Screen - Automatic Update Tab