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Dell VxRail: How to find the product-serial number tag of a VxRail node

Resumen: This article provides different methods to find the product-serial number tag (PSNT) of a node.

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There are two identification tags on your appliance:
  • The VxRail appliance-serial number: You can find the serial number in VxRail Manager, or printed on the information tag. The product-serial number tag (PSNT) is a 14-digit number that is used to identify your appliance to Dell support.
  • The Service Tag: You can find the Service Tag printed on the physical appliance. The service tag is a 7-digit service tag number.
Note: Only use the VxRail appliance-serial number to contact Customer Support. The service tag number is required.

Method 1: Finding the PSNT from VxRail Plugin. 
  1. Go to the VxRail cluster > Configure > VxRail hosts > check PSNT for the host.
Inked PSNT from plugin

Method 2: Finding the PSNT from the iDRAC.
  1. Open the iDRAC for the Node.
  2. Open the Virtual console.
  3. The black screen has the PSNT written in it.
PSNT from the iDRAC

Method 3: Finding the PSNT from the VxRail Manager Virtual Machine
  1. Download the attached script file. 
  2. SSH to VxRail Virtual Machine (VM)
  3. Change the Security on the file:
    # chmod 777 <ScriptName>
  4. Run the script command: 
    # ./<ScriptName>
  5. Choose Option 4 to check PSNT. 
PSNT from the VxRail Manager VM

Method 4: Finding the PSNT from VxRail Manager VM. 
  1. SSH to VxRail VM as mystic user and then SU to root
  2. Run the command: 
    psql -U postgres vxrail
PSNT from VxRail Manager VM SSH

Method 5: Finding the Model and PSNT from the ESXi Console.

  1. Once you are in the console for the VxRail appliance, run the following command to get both the Model and PSNT.
opt/dell/DellPTAgent/tools/ipmitool_static fru print 17
  1. If the location of the ipmitool changes in a future version, run the following command to get the new location.
find /* -name ipmitool_static
  1. If you are only looking for the PSNT, run the following command. The first section of the Local Datastore name on each VxRail Appliance includes the 14-digit PSNT.
df -h

Method 6: Finding the PSNT from the Physical Node. 
PSNT from the Physical Node

See the VxRail Product Guide.
  1. At the front of your VxRail Appliance, locate drives 2 and 3 on the left-side of the chassis.
  2. Pull out the blue-tabbed tag that is located above drives 2 and 3.
  3. Locate the appliance-serial number label on the pull-out tag.
Appliance serial number label on the pull-out tag

Información adicional

Watch this published video:

Productos afectados

VxRail D560, VxRail D560F, VxRail E460, VxRail E560, VxRail G560, VxRail G560F, VxRail V470


VxRail Appliance Family, VxRail V470
Propiedades del artículo
Número del artículo: 000197326
Tipo de artículo: How To
Última modificación: 01 ago 2024
Versión:  10
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