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PowerEdge: What is Predicted Drive Failure and How to Solve it

Resumen: This article explains how to identify and address predictive failure drives.

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What is Predicted Drive Failure and how to solve it?

Periodically, a Patrol Read is launched on a Virtual Disk. This is a consistency check on the RAID and the hard drives composing the Virtual Drive. 

If the consistency check finds bad blocks, it marks them as bad and reallocates the information to another section of this disk.

A disk is always a bit bigger than specified, so it has room to relocate some bad blocks. This can also be a firmware or a reporting issue so it is recommended to update the firmware before any drive replacement.

Predictive Failures can occur due to hard drive errors detected by Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology (SMART)This hyperlink is taking you to a website outside of Dell Technologies. or due to RAID Array errors such as a Double Fault or a Puncture.


How To Troubleshoot Predictive drive failure?

  1. A consistency check on the RAID and the hard drives composing the Virtual Drive identifies "Predictive Failure."
  2. Always perform a backup before any steps are taken.
  3. Export SupportAssist that includes a controller log
  4. Perform firmware updates to the Hard Drive, RAID controller, BIOS, and iDRAC to ensure that they are running the latest firmware, this is to ensure that all reporting information is up-to-date and correct.
Note: Reboot is required to complete firmware install for a RAID card.
  1. If you are running Dell OpenManage Server Administrator, ensure that you are running the latest version of OMSA. See Dell article Support for Dell OpenManage Server Administrator (OMSA)
  2. If the hard drive is still showing predictive failure after updates, a hard drive replacement is required.


More troubleshooting or maintenance may be required to ensure the health of the array.


Note: This article is part of the Server Tutorials: "RAID and Disks" available at PowerEdge Tutorials: Physical Disk Drives and RAID Controller (PERC) on Servers


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Propiedades del artículo
Número del artículo: 000126418
Tipo de artículo: How To
Última modificación: 19 dic 2024
Versión:  16
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