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OMSA 9.4.0 web service supports alternative Red Hat OpenJDK 11 updates for both RHEL and Windows

Summary: OMSA 9.4.0 web service supports alternative Red Hat OpenJDK 11 updates for both RHEL and Windows

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Dell OpenManage Server Administrator (OMSA) embeds Oracle Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to render its web GUI on Linux and Windows. Beginning with version 9.2 OMSA added support for installing a newer standalone instance of Oracle JRE containing bug and security fixes, but as of April 2019 Oracle now requires a licensed subscription for end-users to install it.




Dell EMC Engineering has now added official OMSA 9.4.0 support specifically for the free Red Hat OpenJDK project but only on Windows Server 2016 and 2019 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) versions 7.x and 8x. The Windows MSI package for OpenJDK (or the smaller OpenJRE) version 11.0.x can be downloaded and installed from RPM binary packages of OpenJDK for RHEL can be obtained from the "rhel-7-server-optional-rpms" repository found on retail media or in the online Red Hat Network.


Once Red Hat OpenJDK 11 is installed it can be activated for OMSA in the OMSA CLI or web GUI under Preferences > General Settings > Java Runtime Environment. Click "System JRE/JDK" and choose the OpenJDK 11 version listed in the menu. Other versions besides Java 11 do not work with OMSA and will not be listed. The OMSA web service (dsm_sa_connection) will need to be restarted for the updated JRE to take effect.

At this time OMSA 9.4 does not support OpenJDK on SLES or Ubuntu and only Oracle JRE 11 updates at this time. However, IPS will accept Best Effort escalations on any issues found with Red Hat OpenJDK on RHEL 8.1.

Affected Products

Dell OpenManage Server Administrator Version 9.3
Article Properties
Article Number: 000176808
Article Type: Solution
Last Modified: 15 Nov 2022
Version:  6
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