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Audio Device Name May Change After Upgrading from ThinOS 9 to ThinOS 10

Summary: This article provides information about upgrading Dell ThinOS9 to Dell ThinOS10 and the audio device name changing.

This article applies to This article does not apply to This article is not tied to any specific product. Not all product versions are identified in this article.


Affected Platforms:

  • Wyse 5070 Thin Client
  • Wyse 5070 Extended Thin Client
  • Wyse 5470 Mobile Thin Client
  • Wyse 5470 All-in-One Thin Client
  • Latitude 3440
  • Latitude 5440
  • Latitude 5450
  • OptiPlex 3000 Thin Client
  • OptiPlex All-in-One 7410
  • OptiPlex All-in-One 7420

Affected Operating Systems:

  • Dell ThinOS 10
  • Dell ThinOS 9

How to reproduce:

  1. Connect an audio device to a thin client which runs ThinOS 9.
  2. Power on the device.
  3. Go to the ThinOS desktop menu and select System Setup, Peripherals, then select Audio tab.
    Note: The name shows on Playback Devices and Record Devices.
  4. Shut down the thin client.
  5. Perform an operating system upgrade from ThinOS 9 to ThinOS 10.
  6. Go to the ThinOS desktop menu and select System Setup, Peripherals, then select Audio tab.
  7. Check the names show on Playback Devices and Record Devices. They may be different from the ones shown in ThinOS 9.

Examples (May be different in your environment):

Port ThinOS9 ThinOS10
Audio Jack HD audio-1 Built-in Audio
Bluetooth RoqOn_BT_BT RoqOn_BT


Audio Devices (HDMI DP) ThinOS9 ThinOS10
Playback Devices HDMIDP audio-3 HDMI / DisplayPort 1
Record Devices HD audio-1 Digital Microphone

Audio Jack:

ThinOS 9:

Audio Jack name in ThinOS 9

ThinOS 10:

Audio Jack name in ThinOS 10


ThinOS 9:

Bluetooth device name in ThinOS 9

ThinOS 10:

Bluetooth device name in ThinOS 10


ThinOS 9:

HDMI DP audio device name in ThinOS 9

ThinOS 10:

HDMI DP audio device name in ThinOS 10


ThinOS 9 and ThinOS 10 are based on a different flavor of the Linux kernel. Therefore, for some audio devices the name may be different.


This name difference does not impact the audio device behavior or functionality.

If Playback Device and Recording Device have defined a default device name in WMS Group Profile (from Peripheral Management, Audio, Audio Settings), after upgrading to ThinOS 10 administrator may want to set the configuration to the new name if different.

Affected Products

Latitude 3440, Latitude 5440, Latitude 5450, OptiPlex 3000 Thin Client, OptiPlex All-In-One 7410, OptiPlex All-in-One 7420, Wyse 5070 Thin Client, Wyse 5470 All-In-One, Wyse 5470, Wyse ThinOS
Article Properties
Article Number: 000294442
Article Type: Solution
Last Modified: 14 Mar 2025
Version:  2
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