PowerProtect Data Managerは、Transparent Snapshot Data Mover (TSDM)ソリューションでvSphere環境を保護するために使用されます。以前は正常に完了していたいくつかのVM資産バックアップが失敗し始めました。障害の詳細には、「DPD同期が進行中」というTSDMエラーでvCenterタスクが失敗したことが示されます。ABV0016とABV0006の詳細には、次の情報が表示されます。
ABV0016: VM Direct engine 'localhost' is unable to back up the virtual machine 'my-vm-name' on vCenter 'my-vcernter-name' because of a vCenter API issue. The VM Direct engine cannot complete the backup of this virtual machine because of a vCenter API operation did not complete successfully. To troubleshoot this issue: 1) Verify that the vCenter can be reached. 2) If the vCenter is busy, wait for some activities to complete and then retry the operation. 3) Verify that the virtual machine exists on the vCenter. Read Less Unable to cleanup from earlier backup attempt. Unable to cleanup session 'Backup:6755cb99-3de5-4731-8b6f-6c64bb809f0b' from virtual machine 'my-vm-name' (MORef = 'vm-241'). Unable to cancel TSDM / LWD snapshot. The vCenter task for 'Cancel SDM Snapshot' completed with state 'error': DPD Sync in progress.
ABV0006: VM Direct engine 'localhost' is unable to back up the virtual machine 'my-vm-name' on vCenter 'my-vcernter-name' because of a vCenter API issue. The VM Direct engine cannot complete the backup of this virtual machine because of a vCenter API operation did not complete successfully. To troubleshoot this issue: 1) Verify that the vCenter can be reached. 2) If the vCenter is busy, wait for some activities to complete and then retry the operation. 3) Verify that the virtual machine exists on the vCenter. Read Less vCenter task 'task-943698' failed: VimFault: 'dp.vpx.fault.SnapshotInProgress.summary': DPD Snapshot in progressバックアップ セッションには、次のステータス出力が表示される場合があります。
... YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [acae20b6ae1ca9c8;aac63ea8d0fb1d9e] }, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [acae20b6ae1ca9c8;aac63ea8d0fb1d9e] "Status": { YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [acae20b6ae1ca9c8;aac63ea8d0fb1d9e] "State": "Failure", YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [acae20b6ae1ca9c8;aac63ea8d0fb1d9e] "Description": "Backup is unsuccessful: Unable to cleanup from earlier backup attempt. Unable to cleanup session 'Backup:6755cb99-3de5-4731-8b6f-6c64bb809f0b' from virtual machine 'vm-vm-name' (MORef = 'vm-241'). Unable to cancel TSDM / LWD snapshot. The vCenter task for 'Cancel SDM Snapshot' completed with state 'error': DPD Sync in progress", YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [acae20b6ae1ca9c8;aac63ea8d0fb1d9e] "Progress": 0, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [acae20b6ae1ca9c8;aac63ea8d0fb1d9e] "Error": { YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [acae20b6ae1ca9c8;aac63ea8d0fb1d9e] "Text": "Unable to cleanup from earlier backup attempt. Unable to cleanup session 'Backup:6755cb99-3de5-4731-8b6f-6c64bb809f0b' from virtual machine 'vm-vm-name' (MORef = 'vm-241'). Unable to cancel TSDM / LWD snapshot. The vCenter task for 'Cancel SDM Snapshot' completed with state 'error': DPD Sync in progress", YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [acae20b6ae1ca9c8;aac63ea8d0fb1d9e] "Code": 0, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [acae20b6ae1ca9c8;aac63ea8d0fb1d9e] "Classifications": [], YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [acae20b6ae1ca9c8;aac63ea8d0fb1d9e] "Retryable": false, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [acae20b6ae1ca9c8;aac63ea8d0fb1d9e] "Remedy": null YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [acae20b6ae1ca9c8;aac63ea8d0fb1d9e] }, ...
... YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [a3f45e322add25ec;bb6e18b9d1e8178c] }, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [a3f45e322add25ec;bb6e18b9d1e8178c] "Status": { YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [a3f45e322add25ec;bb6e18b9d1e8178c] "State": "Failure", YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [a3f45e322add25ec;bb6e18b9d1e8178c] "Description": "Backup is unsuccessful: vCenter task 'task-943698' failed: VimFault: 'dp.vpx.fault.SnapshotInProgress.summary': DPD Snapshot in progress, TSDM snapshot UUID = '52031978-18dd-444a-37fd-9c070de84cc5'", YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [a3f45e322add25ec;bb6e18b9d1e8178c] "Progress": 0, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [a3f45e322add25ec;bb6e18b9d1e8178c] "Error": { YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [a3f45e322add25ec;bb6e18b9d1e8178c] "Text": "vCenter task 'task-943698' failed: VimFault: 'dp.vpx.fault.SnapshotInProgress.summary': DPD Snapshot in progress, TSDM snapshot UUID = '52031978-18dd-444a-37fd-9c070de84cc5'", YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [a3f45e322add25ec;bb6e18b9d1e8178c] "Code": 0, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [a3f45e322add25ec;bb6e18b9d1e8178c] "Classifications": [], YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [a3f45e322add25ec;bb6e18b9d1e8178c] "Retryable": false, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [a3f45e322add25ec;bb6e18b9d1e8178c] "Remedy": null YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [a3f45e322add25ec;bb6e18b9d1e8178c] }, ...
孤立したvSphere SDMスナップショット タスクをクリアするには、影響を受けるVMでSDM機能を無効化してから有効化する必要があります。影響を受けるVMでSDMを無効化および有効化する方法の一部を次に示します。
The PowerProtect Data Manager vmconfig
コマンドライン ユーティリティーを使用して、影響を受けるVMのSDM機能設定を変更できます。
ssh admin@my-ppdm-name
sudo su
source /opt/emc/vproxy/unit/vproxy.env
cd /opt/emc/vproxy/bin/
./vmconfig -v <vcenter-ip-fqdn> -u '<vcenter-user-name>' -p '<vcenter-user-pwd>' -l dns -k <VM DNS name> -c info
./vmconfig -v <vcenter-ip-fqdn> -u '<vcenter-user-name>' -p '<vcenter-user-pwd>' -l dns -k <VM DNS name> -c disable-sdm
./vmconfig -v <vcenter-ip-fqdn> -u '<vcenter-user-name>' -p '<vcenter-user-pwd>' -l dns -k <VM DNS name> -c enable-sdm