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PowerProtect:虚拟机备份失败,指示正在进行 DPD 同步

Summary: 一些虚拟机 (VM) 资产备份在成功完成后开始失败。 故障详细信息指示 vCenter 任务失败,并显示 TSDM 错误,指示“DPD 同步正在进行中”。

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PowerProtect Data Manager 用于通过 Transparent Snapshot Data Mover (TSDM) 解决方案保护 vSphere 环境。一些虚拟机资产备份在过去成功完成时开始失败。故障详细信息指示 vCenter 任务失败,并显示 TSDM 错误,指示“DPD 同步正在进行中”。ABV0016和ABV0006详细信息显示:

ABV0016: VM Direct engine 'localhost' is unable to back up the virtual machine 'my-vm-name' on vCenter 'my-vcernter-name' because of a vCenter API issue.

The VM Direct engine cannot complete the backup of this virtual machine because of a vCenter API operation did not complete successfully.

To troubleshoot this issue: 1) Verify that the vCenter can be reached. 2) If the vCenter is busy, wait for some activities to complete and then retry the operation. 3) Verify that the virtual machine exists on the vCenter.

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Unable to cleanup from earlier backup attempt.  Unable to cleanup session 'Backup:6755cb99-3de5-4731-8b6f-6c64bb809f0b' from virtual machine 'my-vm-name' (MORef = 'vm-241').  Unable to cancel TSDM / LWD snapshot.  The vCenter task for 'Cancel SDM Snapshot' completed with state 'error':  DPD Sync in progress.
ABV0006: VM Direct engine 'localhost' is unable to back up the virtual machine 'my-vm-name' on vCenter 'my-vcernter-name' because of a vCenter API issue.

The VM Direct engine cannot complete the backup of this virtual machine because of a vCenter API operation did not complete successfully.

To troubleshoot this issue: 1) Verify that the vCenter can be reached. 2) If the vCenter is busy, wait for some activities to complete and then retry the operation. 3) Verify that the virtual machine exists on the vCenter.

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vCenter task 'task-943698' failed:  VimFault: 'dp.vpx.fault.SnapshotInProgress.summary': DPD Snapshot in progress
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO:   [acae20b6ae1ca9c8;aac63ea8d0fb1d9e]   },
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO:   [acae20b6ae1ca9c8;aac63ea8d0fb1d9e]   "Status": {
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO:   [acae20b6ae1ca9c8;aac63ea8d0fb1d9e]     "State": "Failure",
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO:   [acae20b6ae1ca9c8;aac63ea8d0fb1d9e]     "Description": "Backup is unsuccessful:  Unable to cleanup from earlier backup attempt.  Unable to cleanup session 'Backup:6755cb99-3de5-4731-8b6f-6c64bb809f0b' from virtual machine 'vm-vm-name' (MORef = 'vm-241').  Unable to cancel TSDM / LWD snapshot.  The vCenter task for 'Cancel SDM Snapshot' completed with state 'error':  DPD Sync in progress",
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO:   [acae20b6ae1ca9c8;aac63ea8d0fb1d9e]     "Progress": 0,
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO:   [acae20b6ae1ca9c8;aac63ea8d0fb1d9e]     "Error": {
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO:   [acae20b6ae1ca9c8;aac63ea8d0fb1d9e]       "Text": "Unable to cleanup from earlier backup attempt.  Unable to cleanup session 'Backup:6755cb99-3de5-4731-8b6f-6c64bb809f0b' from virtual machine 'vm-vm-name' (MORef = 'vm-241').  Unable to cancel TSDM / LWD snapshot.  The vCenter task for 'Cancel SDM Snapshot' completed with state 'error':  DPD Sync in progress",
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO:   [acae20b6ae1ca9c8;aac63ea8d0fb1d9e]       "Code": 0,
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO:   [acae20b6ae1ca9c8;aac63ea8d0fb1d9e]       "Classifications": [],
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO:   [acae20b6ae1ca9c8;aac63ea8d0fb1d9e]       "Retryable": false,
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO:   [acae20b6ae1ca9c8;aac63ea8d0fb1d9e]       "Remedy": null
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO:   [acae20b6ae1ca9c8;aac63ea8d0fb1d9e]     },
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO:   [a3f45e322add25ec;bb6e18b9d1e8178c]   },
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO:   [a3f45e322add25ec;bb6e18b9d1e8178c]   "Status": {
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO:   [a3f45e322add25ec;bb6e18b9d1e8178c]     "State": "Failure",
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO:   [a3f45e322add25ec;bb6e18b9d1e8178c]     "Description": "Backup is unsuccessful:  vCenter task 'task-943698' failed:  VimFault: 'dp.vpx.fault.SnapshotInProgress.summary': DPD Snapshot in progress, TSDM snapshot UUID = '52031978-18dd-444a-37fd-9c070de84cc5'",
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO:   [a3f45e322add25ec;bb6e18b9d1e8178c]     "Progress": 0,
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO:   [a3f45e322add25ec;bb6e18b9d1e8178c]     "Error": {
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO:   [a3f45e322add25ec;bb6e18b9d1e8178c]       "Text": "vCenter task 'task-943698' failed:  VimFault: 'dp.vpx.fault.SnapshotInProgress.summary': DPD Snapshot in progress, TSDM snapshot UUID = '52031978-18dd-444a-37fd-9c070de84cc5'",
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO:   [a3f45e322add25ec;bb6e18b9d1e8178c]       "Code": 0,
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO:   [a3f45e322add25ec;bb6e18b9d1e8178c]       "Classifications": [],
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO:   [a3f45e322add25ec;bb6e18b9d1e8178c]       "Retryable": false,
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO:   [a3f45e322add25ec;bb6e18b9d1e8178c]       "Remedy": null
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO:   [a3f45e322add25ec;bb6e18b9d1e8178c]     },


受影响的虚拟机具有孤立的 vSphere Snapshot Data Mover (SDM) 任务,PowerProtect Data Manager TSDM 备份工作流无法取消该任务。孤立任务的原因仍未确定。


应在受影响的虚拟机上禁用并启用 SDM 功能,以清除孤立的 vSphere SDM 快照任务。下面是在受影响的虚拟机上禁用和启用 SDM 的一些可用方法。

解决方法 1


  1. 打开与 PowerProtect Data Manager 的浏览器会话,并使用管理员帐户进行身份验证。
  2. 浏览到 InfrastructureAssetsVirtual>>Machines
  3. 选择受影响的虚拟机。
  4. 选择 下拉列表More ActionsProtection>MechanismMigrate>to VADP
  5. vSphere Web Client 显示虚拟机禁用轻量级增量 (LWD) 筛选器的任务。
  6. 选择下拉列表More ActionsProtection>MechanismMigrate>to Transparent Snapshots
  7. vSphere Web Client 显示虚拟机启用 LWD 过滤器的任务。
  8. 运行备份或监视计划的备份执行。

解决方法 2


  1. 打开与 PowerProtect Data Manager 的浏览器会话,并使用管理员帐户进行身份验证。
  2. 浏览到 InfrastructureAssetsVirtual>>Machines
  3. 选择受影响的虚拟机。
  4. 选择 下拉列表 More ActionsRemove>from Policy
  5. vSphere Web Client 显示虚拟机禁用轻量级增量 (LWD) 筛选器的任务。
  6. 选择 下拉列表 More ActionsAdd>to Policy,然后按照向导操作以添加到保护策略。
  7. vSphere Web Client 显示虚拟机启用 LWD 过滤器的任务。
  8. 运行备份或监视计划的备份执行。

解决方法 3

The PowerProtect Data Manager vmconfig 命令行实用程序可用于更改受影响虚拟机的 SDM 功能设置。

  • 使用管理员帐户,通过 SSH 登录 PowerProtect Data Manager 备份一体机:
     ssh admin@my-ppdm-name
  • 更改为 root 用户:
    sudo su 
  • 加载环境变量:
    source /opt/emc/vproxy/unit/vproxy.env
  • 切换到 vProxy bin 目录:
    cd /opt/emc/vproxy/bin/
  • 构造 vmconfig 命令,替换括号中的信息:
    • 检查虚拟机状态:
./vmconfig -v <vcenter-ip-fqdn> -u '<vcenter-user-name>' -p '<vcenter-user-pwd>' -l dns -k <VM DNS name> -c info
  • 在虚拟机上禁用 SDM:
./vmconfig -v <vcenter-ip-fqdn> -u '<vcenter-user-name>' -p '<vcenter-user-pwd>' -l dns -k <VM DNS name> -c disable-sdm
  • 在虚拟机上启用 SDM:
./vmconfig -v <vcenter-ip-fqdn> -u '<vcenter-user-name>' -p '<vcenter-user-pwd>' -l dns -k <VM DNS name> -c enable-sdm
  • 运行 PowerProtect Data Manager TSDM 备份以确认问题已解决。
Article Properties
Article Number: 000210949
Article Type: Solution
Last Modified: 14 Nov 2024
Version:  5
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