PowerProtect Data Manager, vSphere ortamını Transparent Snapshot Data Mover (TSDM) çözümüyle korumak için kullanılır. Geçmişte başarıyla tamamlanan birkaç VM Varlığı yedeklemesi başarısız olmaya başladı. Hata ayrıntıları, vCenter görevinin "DPD Sync in progress" bilgisini veren bir TSDM hatasıyla başarısız olduğunu gösterir. ABV0016 ve ABV0006 ayrıntılar şunları gösterir:
ABV0016: VM Direct engine 'localhost' is unable to back up the virtual machine 'my-vm-name' on vCenter 'my-vcernter-name' because of a vCenter API issue. The VM Direct engine cannot complete the backup of this virtual machine because of a vCenter API operation did not complete successfully. To troubleshoot this issue: 1) Verify that the vCenter can be reached. 2) If the vCenter is busy, wait for some activities to complete and then retry the operation. 3) Verify that the virtual machine exists on the vCenter. Read Less Unable to cleanup from earlier backup attempt. Unable to cleanup session 'Backup:6755cb99-3de5-4731-8b6f-6c64bb809f0b' from virtual machine 'my-vm-name' (MORef = 'vm-241'). Unable to cancel TSDM / LWD snapshot. The vCenter task for 'Cancel SDM Snapshot' completed with state 'error': DPD Sync in progress.
ABV0006: VM Direct engine 'localhost' is unable to back up the virtual machine 'my-vm-name' on vCenter 'my-vcernter-name' because of a vCenter API issue. The VM Direct engine cannot complete the backup of this virtual machine because of a vCenter API operation did not complete successfully. To troubleshoot this issue: 1) Verify that the vCenter can be reached. 2) If the vCenter is busy, wait for some activities to complete and then retry the operation. 3) Verify that the virtual machine exists on the vCenter. Read Less vCenter task 'task-943698' failed: VimFault: 'dp.vpx.fault.SnapshotInProgress.summary': DPD Snapshot in progressYedekleme oturumu aşağıdaki durum çıktılarını gösterebilir:
... YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [acae20b6ae1ca9c8;aac63ea8d0fb1d9e] }, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [acae20b6ae1ca9c8;aac63ea8d0fb1d9e] "Status": { YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [acae20b6ae1ca9c8;aac63ea8d0fb1d9e] "State": "Failure", YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [acae20b6ae1ca9c8;aac63ea8d0fb1d9e] "Description": "Backup is unsuccessful: Unable to cleanup from earlier backup attempt. Unable to cleanup session 'Backup:6755cb99-3de5-4731-8b6f-6c64bb809f0b' from virtual machine 'vm-vm-name' (MORef = 'vm-241'). Unable to cancel TSDM / LWD snapshot. The vCenter task for 'Cancel SDM Snapshot' completed with state 'error': DPD Sync in progress", YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [acae20b6ae1ca9c8;aac63ea8d0fb1d9e] "Progress": 0, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [acae20b6ae1ca9c8;aac63ea8d0fb1d9e] "Error": { YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [acae20b6ae1ca9c8;aac63ea8d0fb1d9e] "Text": "Unable to cleanup from earlier backup attempt. Unable to cleanup session 'Backup:6755cb99-3de5-4731-8b6f-6c64bb809f0b' from virtual machine 'vm-vm-name' (MORef = 'vm-241'). Unable to cancel TSDM / LWD snapshot. The vCenter task for 'Cancel SDM Snapshot' completed with state 'error': DPD Sync in progress", YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [acae20b6ae1ca9c8;aac63ea8d0fb1d9e] "Code": 0, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [acae20b6ae1ca9c8;aac63ea8d0fb1d9e] "Classifications": [], YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [acae20b6ae1ca9c8;aac63ea8d0fb1d9e] "Retryable": false, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [acae20b6ae1ca9c8;aac63ea8d0fb1d9e] "Remedy": null YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [acae20b6ae1ca9c8;aac63ea8d0fb1d9e] }, ...
... YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [a3f45e322add25ec;bb6e18b9d1e8178c] }, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [a3f45e322add25ec;bb6e18b9d1e8178c] "Status": { YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [a3f45e322add25ec;bb6e18b9d1e8178c] "State": "Failure", YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [a3f45e322add25ec;bb6e18b9d1e8178c] "Description": "Backup is unsuccessful: vCenter task 'task-943698' failed: VimFault: 'dp.vpx.fault.SnapshotInProgress.summary': DPD Snapshot in progress, TSDM snapshot UUID = '52031978-18dd-444a-37fd-9c070de84cc5'", YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [a3f45e322add25ec;bb6e18b9d1e8178c] "Progress": 0, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [a3f45e322add25ec;bb6e18b9d1e8178c] "Error": { YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [a3f45e322add25ec;bb6e18b9d1e8178c] "Text": "vCenter task 'task-943698' failed: VimFault: 'dp.vpx.fault.SnapshotInProgress.summary': DPD Snapshot in progress, TSDM snapshot UUID = '52031978-18dd-444a-37fd-9c070de84cc5'", YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [a3f45e322add25ec;bb6e18b9d1e8178c] "Code": 0, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [a3f45e322add25ec;bb6e18b9d1e8178c] "Classifications": [], YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [a3f45e322add25ec;bb6e18b9d1e8178c] "Retryable": false, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [a3f45e322add25ec;bb6e18b9d1e8178c] "Remedy": null YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS INFO: [a3f45e322add25ec;bb6e18b9d1e8178c] }, ...
Artık vSphere SDM anlık görüntü görevini temizlemek için etkilenen VM'de SDM özelliği devre dışı bırakılmalı ve etkinleştirilmelidir. Etkilenen VM'de SDM'yi devre dışı bırakmak ve etkinleştirmek için kullanabileceğiniz yöntemlerden bazıları aşağıda verilmiştir.
Etkilenen VM varlığı koruma mekanizmasını değiştirin.
Etkilenen sanal makineyi Koruma İlkesi'nden kaldırıp ekleyin.
The PowerProtect Data Manager vmconfig
Etkilenen VM'nin SDM özellik ayarını değiştirmek için komut satırı yardımcı programı kullanılabilir.
ssh admin@my-ppdm-name
sudo su
source /opt/emc/vproxy/unit/vproxy.env
cd /opt/emc/vproxy/bin/
komutunu parantez içindeki bilgileri değiştirerek kullanın:
./vmconfig -v <vcenter-ip-fqdn> -u '<vcenter-user-name>' -p '<vcenter-user-pwd>' -l dns -k <VM DNS name> -c info
./vmconfig -v <vcenter-ip-fqdn> -u '<vcenter-user-name>' -p '<vcenter-user-pwd>' -l dns -k <VM DNS name> -c disable-sdm
./vmconfig -v <vcenter-ip-fqdn> -u '<vcenter-user-name>' -p '<vcenter-user-pwd>' -l dns -k <VM DNS name> -c enable-sdm