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RHEL: Steps to create YUM local repository on RHEL 8 by using the OS iso file mounted through IDRAC Virtual Media

Summary: Refer the below steps to create and configure a local YUM repository from RHEL ISO image mounted through IDRAC Virtual Media on RHEL 8 OS environment.

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Mount RHEL OS iso file through IDRAC virtual media in the WebGUI or use the below RACADM CLI command to mount the remote OS iso image.

See RACADM CLI command guide to configure media file in a remote server (Page 111) Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 RACADM CLI Guide.

# racadm remoteimage -c [-u <username> -p <password> -l <image_path>]

racadm remoteimage

Create a directory to mount the OS iso image on this directory:

# mkdir /root/DVD
# mount /dev/sr0 /root/DVD/
# lsblk

mkdir and mount

lsblk command output 

Create a local repo file (local.repo) in the /etc/yum.repos.d directory:

Create a local repo file using vim 

Add the below parameters on the local.repo file to configure the local YUM repository from the mounted OS iso image:

# vi local.repo
name=Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 - BaseOS

name=Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 - AppStream


ll list output of yum.repos folder 

# yum clean all #yum repolist all 
# yum install <package-name>

#yum clean all

#yum install <package-name>

output from dnf install ftp 



Affected Products

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Version 9, Red Hat Enterprise Linux Version 8


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Article Properties
Article Number: 000208302
Article Type: How To
Last Modified: 09 Dec 2024
Version:  5
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