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Specifying the number of cores in use by a CPU in UCS

Summary: This article explains how to specify the number of cores in use by a CPU in UCS by using the Core Multiprocessing option.

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Certain OS licensing models require a specific number of CPU cores be set. How can the number of cores being used by a CPU in a Cisco UCS managed server be specified manually?


UCS Manager


UCS does have the option to specify the number of cores in the BIOS Policy in AdvancedProcessor, the option is called Core Multi Processing.
To make the change you need to create a new BIOS policy only to be used by the Service-Profiles assigned to the servers where the cores are to be manually specified.

Create the new policy and copy all the settings from the old policy and make the change to the Core Multi Processing option. Then set this as the BIOS policy to be used by the required Service Profiles.

Or if you already have a BIOS policy used only by the required Service-Profiles then you can edit it.
See example below, the change was made to the SRIOV BIOS policy.  
The option to change is in AdvancedProcessorCore Multi Processing.
The number of cores is set to 6 which will give 12 cores total (For blades with 2 CPUs)

Core Multi Processing

Additional Information

VCE System: Vblock Series 500, Vblock Series 300, Vblock Series 700, VxBlock
Component:  UCS

Affected Products

VxBlock and Vblock Systems
Article Properties
Article Number: 000204617
Article Type: How To
Last Modified: 25 Oct 2022
Version:  1
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