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Dell Networking SmartFabric OS10: Password Recovery

Summary: In some situations, users may forget the password for both OS10 user "admin" and Linux user "linuxadmin, " this results in users unable to log in to OS10.

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If local Admin does not set any other system management users (OS10 and Linux users), password recovery must be attempted for access.

Maintenance Windows must be scheduled for password recovery operation because switch must be rebooted multiple times (three or more) during the activity.

The OS10 user guide has a similar procedure to address this situation under "Troubleshoot OS10." If both OS10 user (admin) and Linux admin (linuxadmin) passwords have been forgotten, the linuxadmin password must be recovered first from GRUB.

Then the OS10 user (admin) password can be recovered by linuxadmin from the Linux kernel.

If only the OS10 user (admin) password has been forgotten, the operation is simpler as no console is required. Login through SSH or Telnet to the Linux kernel with linuxadmin, then reset the admin user password.
Note: In this guide, we show the operation under version and as a demo, in your case, check your running version with customer.

You must apply maintenance window to do the following operations because of rebooting the switch multiple times (three or more) during the password recovery.
Note: The procedure MUST be performed by console connection.
Step 1 Connect to the serial console port.
Set the serial settings 115200 baudrate, 8 data bits, and no parity.
Reboot the switch by powering off the switch then powering on the switch.

Step 2 Press E while getting the below output to open the OS10 GRUB editor menu:

GNU GRUB editor menu

Then get the OS10 GRUB editor menu as below. 
Note: For different versions, you may get a different GRUB editor menu.

If it is a newer version, say 10.5.2.x or later, the below is seen.

GNU GRUB editor menu 10.5.2.x or later

If it is an older version, say 10.5.0.x or earlier, the below is seen.

GNU GRUB editor menu 10.5.0.x or earlier

Step 3 Make the following changes to set booting behavior:
If it is a newer version, say 10.5.2.x or later, use the arrow keys to move to the end of the line that has set os_debug_args=, then add init=/bin/bash to the end.

GNU GRUB editor menu 10.5.2.x or later command init=/bin/bash

If it is an older version, say 10.5.0.x or earlier, use the arrow keys to move to the end of the line that starts with "linux," then add init=/bin/bash at the end of the line.

GNU GRUB editor menu 10.5.0.x or earlier init=/bin/bash command

Reboot the switch by pressing Ctrl + x or Alt + 0 (0 is number zero). The system boots into root shell (OS10 linux kernel) WITHOUT a password.

If it is a newer version, say 10.5.2.x or later:

Booting a command list
Loading OS10 ...
B0, B1, [    1.193068] intel_rapl: driver does not support CPU family 6 model 77
bash: cannot set terminal process group (-1): Inappropriate ioctl for device
bash: no job control in this shell

GNU GRUB editor menu 10.5.2.x or later booting command list

If it is an older version, say 10.5.0.x or earlier:

GNU GRUB editor menu 10.5.0.x or earlier booting command list

Step 4 Check the Linux user "linuxadmin" status:

root@OS10:/# cat /etc/passwd | grep linuxadmin
linuxadmin:x:1000:1000:,,,:/home/linuxadmin:/bin/bash      ------// if there's NO "/bin/bash", reset it with below command, 
root@OS10:/# usermod -s /bin/bash linuxadmin      ------// reset the login shell mode, 
usermod: no changes      ------// it's already correct, so no changes, 

Check if the Linux user "linuxadmin" is locked, and unlock it if it is.

root@OS10:/# passwd -S linuxadmin
linuxadmin L 07/22/2022 0 99999 7 -1      ------// 'L' means user locked, 
root@OS10:/# passwd -u linuxadmin       ------// unlock the user, 
passwd: password expiry information changed.
root@OS10:/# passwd -S linuxadmin      ------// check again, it's correct user status, 
linuxadmin P 07/22/2022 0 99999 7 -1

Step 5 Reset the password for Linux user "linuxadmin."

root@OS10:/# passwd linuxadmin      ------// reset user "linuxadmin" password,
New password: <reset password with the user name : linuxadmin>
Retype new password: <retype new password : linuxadmin>
passwd: password updated successfully
root@OS10:/# sync      ------// synchronize system to save the new password,
After password recovery done, please remember to reset the linuxadmin password manually 
in running-configurations later as below : 
OS10(config)# system-user linuxadmin password [retype your new password]
OS10(config)# exit
OS10# write memory

Another preferred method is to use script as below : 
Notes : the script will also update the new linuxadmin password in "startup.xml". 

If the OS10 version is, then run the following command. 
root@OS10: /# sed -ibak '31,41s/^/#/g' /opt/dell/os10/

Configure the password by using the script command : 
root@OS10:/# /opt/dell/os10/bin/ [plainpassword]
Notes: Enter the linuxadmin password in plain text. 
For example : 
root@OS10:/# /opt/dell/os10/bin/ P@ssw0rd123!
root@OS10:/# sync      ------// synchronize system to save the new password, 

Step 6 Force rebooting system again.

root@OS10:/# reboot -f       ------// force switch to reboot, 
[  417.428659] reboot: Restarting system
15, 00068001, 19, 00068000, 
BIOS Boot Selector for S4100 
...<output omitted>... 

Then try login with Linux user "linuxadmin" and new password "linuxadmin" as below. 
OS10 login: linuxadmin
Password: linuxadmin
Linux OS10 4.19.208 #1d SMP Debian 4.19.208-1 x86_64
...<output omitted>... 
   ------// login to the kernel shell mode directly, password recovered successfully to the default (the same as user name),

Login linux kernel with user "linuxadmin" success

Log in to the Linux kernel with user "linuxadmin" successfully.

Step 7 Reset the password for OS10 user "admin."

linuxadmin@OS10:~$ sudo -i      ------// get the root permission, 
We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:
    #1) Respect the privacy of others.
    #2) Think before you type.
    #3) With great power comes great responsibility.
[sudo] password for linuxadmin: 

user "linuxadmin" logged in

root@OS10:~# passwd -S admin      ------// check and make sure user status, not locked, 
admin P 07/25/2022 0 99999 7 -1

root@OS10:~# cat /etc/passwd | grep admin
...<output omitted>... 
      ------// check the shell mode and make sure it's "/opt/dell/os10/bin/clish", 

Reset password, 
root@OS10:~# passwd admin
New password: <reset the password with user name : admin>
BAD PASSWORD: it is too short
BAD PASSWORD: is too simple
Retype new password: <retype the password : admin>
passwd: password updated successfully

Step 8 Exit and try logging in with user "admin."

OS10 login: admin
Password: admin
Last login: Mon Jul 25 05:21:56 UTC 2022 on ttyS0
Linux OS10 4.19.208 #1d SMP Debian 4.19.208-1 x86_64
...<output omitted>... 
%Warning : Default password for admin account should be changed to secure the system
%Warning : Default password for linuxadmin account should be changed to secure the system.
   ------// login to the OS10 shell mode, password recovered successfully to the default (the same as user name),

Login OS10 shell success

Log in to the OS10 shell with user "admin" successfully.

Notice the %Warning logs, you should set a new password of your own choosing. Keep that new password in mind.

Step 9 Set a new password as users or admin.

OS10# configure terminal
OS10(config)# service simple-password      ------// this is optional, if want to set simple password. 
OS10(config)# username admin password <input customer's password> role sysadmin
OS10(config)# system-user linuxadmin <input customer's password> linuxadmin
OS10(config)# end
OS10# write memory      ------// save changed configuration, DO NOT forget the new password !!!! 

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Article Properties
Article Number: 000201897
Article Type: How To
Last Modified: 23 Oct 2024
Version:  8
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