The passwords for the service VMs can be changed or reset using the following instructions.
passwd mystic
If the mystic account has been locked after three failed login attempts, this account can be unlocked using the root account as follows:
pam_tally2 --user=mystic --reset
commandpasswd root
If you do not have access to the VxRail Manager root account, follow Resetting the root password for Dell VxRail Manager to reset the password and regain access.
passwd service
This account is used by Dell services and the password is set at first run install, starting in version 7.0.350. It uses the same password that is associated with the mystic account if the cluster was upgraded from an older <7.0.350 release. It should be maintained by the customer.
commandpasswd root
If you do not have access to the vCenter root account, follow to reset the password.
commandpasswd root
If you do not have access to the PSC root account, follow to reset the password.
commandpasswd root
If you do not have access to the ESXi witness root account, engage the VxRail support team as the witness must be re-deployed.