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PowerEdge:iDRAC9 中的未知 PCIe 網路配接卡健全狀況狀態 - HWC8607 生命週期記錄中的錯誤

Summary: Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 (iDRAC9) 韌體 5.xx.xx.xx 版本可能會在 PowerEdge 伺服器內意外顯示 PCIe 網路配接卡未知的健全狀況狀態。

This article applies to This article does not apply to This article is not tied to any specific product. Not all product versions are identified in this article.


配備附加 PCIe 網路配接卡的 Dell PowerEdge 伺服器,可能會在 iDRAC9 5.xx.xx.xx 韌體版本的 iDRAC9 管理介面中回報未知的健全狀況狀態。發生此狀況時,Lifecycle Log 會記錄 HWC8607 錯誤警示。

受影響的 iDRAC9 韌體版本:


在 iDRAC9 使用者介面 (UI) 中,當遇到未知的健全狀況狀態時,受影響的網路配接卡的狀態會以問號「?」表示。

iDRAC9 UI>系統 >網路裝置
iDAC9 Web 介面網路裝置區段


2022-01-11 23:25:16  3223  HWC8607  The data communication with the device NIC in Slot 2 running on the port 4 is lost.
2022-01-11 23:25:04  3222  HWC8607  The data communication with the device NIC in Slot 2 running on the port 2 is lost.
2022-01-11 23:24:46  3219  HWC8607  The data communication with the device NIC in Slot 2 running on the port 3 is lost.
2022-01-11 23:20:06  3216  HWC8607  The data communication with the device NIC in Slot 2 running on the port 1 is lost.



iDRAC9 韌體為 Dell PCIe 網路配接卡導入 PCIeVDM 側頻管理支援的支援。在某些情況下,iDRAC9 上的 PCIeVDM 佇列可能會填滿,並導致 iDRAC 無法將任何其他命令傳送至配接卡。



iDRAC9 韌體版本 (2022 年 6 月) 可修正導致此狀況的情形。

停用 iDRAC9 上的 PCIeVDM 會將已安裝的 PCIe 網路配接卡的管理還原至 SMBUS 介面,而不會對網路裝置管理造成任何影響。停用 PCIeVDM 並重新啟動 iDRAC 會從此狀況復原,並避免其他事件發生。

若要在 iDRAC9 上停用 PCIeVDM,請使用下列 RACADM 命令:

racadm>>racadm set iDRAC.PCIeVDM.Enable Disabled
Object value modified successfully

racadm>>racadm racreset
RAC reset operation initiated successfully. It may take a few 
minutes for the RAC to come online again.
注意:停用 iDRAC9 控制器上的 PCIeVDM 會停用 iDRAC9 韌體中導入的無重新開機 NVMe 韌體功能。

iDRAC9 韌體更新不會修改使用者定義的屬性設定。iDRAC9 套用至受影響的伺服器後,必須手動重新啟用 PCIeVDM,以重新開啟此通訊協定。

racadm>>racadm set iDRAC.PCIeVDM.Enable Enabled
Object value modified successfully

racadm>>racadm racreset
RAC reset operation initiated successfully. It may take a few
minutes for the RAC to come online again.


Affected Products

iDRAC9, iDRAC9 - 5.xx Series


PowerEdge R250, PowerEdge R350, PowerEdge R450, PowerEdge R550, PowerEdge R650, PowerEdge R650xs, PowerEdge R6515, PowerEdge R6525, PowerEdge R750, PowerEdge R750XA, PowerEdge R750xs, PowerEdge R7515, PowerEdge R7525, PowerEdge T150, PowerEdge T160 , PowerEdge T340, PowerEdge T350, PowerEdge T360, PowerEdge T440, PowerEdge T550, PowerEdge T560, PowerEdge T640, PowerEdge XE2420, PowerEdge XE7100, PowerEdge XE7420, PowerEdge XE7440, PowerEdge XE8545, PowerEdge XE8640, PowerEdge XE9640, PowerEdge XE9680 ...
Article Properties
Article Number: 000195458
Article Type: Solution
Last Modified: 10 Dec 2024
Version:  6
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