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Connectrix: Cisco MDS 9132T showing "incorrect" port license quantity.

Summary: Cisco MDS 9132T showing "incorrect" port license quantity. The MDS 9132T comes with Ports fc1/1-16 (only 8 are licensed) as part of the base chassis.

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When you run the command ‘show license usage’, it only shows eight ports under license count. 
`show license usage`
Feature                      Ins  Lic   Status Expiry Date Comments
FM_SERVER_PKG                 Yes   -   Unused never       -
ENTERPRISE_PKG                Yes   -   Unused never       -
SAN_ANALYTICS_PKG             No    -   Unused             -
PORT_ACTIV_9132U_PKG          No    8   In use never       -

When you run the command ‘show port-license’, it shows 24 ports with an "acquired" license (8 from the base chassis plus the 16 from the LEM).

`show port-license`
Available port activation licenses are 0
  Interface   Cookie    Port Activation License
  fc1/1       16777216        acquired         
  fc1/2       16781312        acquired        
  fc1/3       16785408        acquired        
  fc1/4       16789504        acquired        
  fc1/5       16793600        acquired        
  fc1/6       16797696        acquired        
  fc1/7       16801792        acquired        
  fc1/8       16805888        acquired        
  fc1/9       16809984        eligible        
  fc1/10      16814080        eligible        
  fc1/11      16818176        eligible        
  fc1/12      16822272        eligible        
  fc1/13      16826368        eligible        
  fc1/14      16830464        eligible        
  fc1/15      16834560        eligible        
  fc1/16      16838656        eligible        
  fc1/17      16842752        acquired        
  fc1/18      16846848        acquired        
  fc1/19      16850944        acquired        
  fc1/20      16855040        acquired        
  fc1/21      16859136        acquired        
  fc1/22      16863232        acquired         
  fc1/23      16867328        acquired        
  fc1/24      16871424        acquired        
  fc1/25      16875520        acquired        
  fc1/26      16879616        acquired        
  fc1/27      16883712        acquired        
  fc1/28      16887808        acquired        
  fc1/29      16891904        acquired        
  fc1/30      16896000        acquired        
  fc1/31      16900096        acquired        
  fc1/32      16904192        acquired        


Command 'show license usage' only considers port license for the base chassis. 

`show license usage`
Feature                      Ins  Lic   Status Expiry Date Comments
PORT_ACTIV_9132U_PKG          No    8   In use never       -


Ports fc1/17–32 are available only with Linecard Expansion Module (LEM) option (these 16 ports in the LEM come with a license by default).

You can move any of the port licenses on the base chassis to another native port; so, any of FC1/1-8 to any of FC1/9-16. Unfortunately, port licenses are not movable between the base chassis and the LEM module.

A Primary Output Device (POD) can be purchased for ports fc1/9-16. This allows the use of all 32 ports. No POD is needed for the LEM. This explains why only eight ports appear under ashow license usage’. This occurs when a LEM but not a POD, has been purchased for the eight unlicensed ports in the base chassis.

Additional Information

1 Fixed FC ports (base chassis ports)
2 LEM slot

Refer to this video:

Affected Products

Connectrix MDS 9132T
Article Properties
Article Number: 000189077
Article Type: Solution
Last Modified: 23 Sep 2022
Version:  3
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