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RecoverPoint for VMs 5.3.x: Production Journal size defaults to 3GB, and cannot be modified during Consistency group creation

Summary: The production Journal of RecoverPoint for VMS in 5.3 defaults to 3GB in size.

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The user cannot change the size of the production Journal during CG (Consistency Group) creation.
The default size of 3GB is used.


In the 5.2.x and earlier, flash plugin - the user could select a different size for the production Journal.
In 5.3 HTML5 plugin, as part of simplification efforts, the option was removed and the user cannot change the production copy Journal size.


The user can add more Journal space after the CG is created.
  1. From the HTML5 vSphere client, Select Menu -> RecoverPoint for VMs.
  2. Expand protection, -> Consistency Groups.
  3. Select CG - press the "Protection Policy" button.
  4. Select the production copy tab.
  5. Press the "ADD" Journal Volumes button.
  6. Select the required size.
  7. Press UPDATE POLICY to apply changes.
  8. (Optional) - Wait for the new journal device to show up, and remove the original 3GB device, from the same page as the ADD.
  9. (Optional) - Accept the alert of a full sweep if original device is removed.

Affected Products

RecoverPoint for Virtual Machines
Article Properties
Article Number: 000184458
Article Type: Solution
Last Modified: 05 Aug 2021
Version:  3
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