If you mail lots of letters and packages, you can save time by making your own return address labels.
For a quick basic label, you can type your address in a Word document and print off sheets of the same return address. If you want a label with a picture or a special background, then you can try using a template.
Start with a sheet of labels from any major supplier, and follow these steps:
Create a blank document.
Click Mailings > Labels:
Type your return address into the Address box:
If you have already added your mailing address into the Options in Word, check the Use return address box. To add your mailing address to the options, click File > Options > Advanced, and scroll down to General, and then type your address in the Mailing address box:
Under Print, check that the Full page of the same label is selected.
Click Options, and then under Printer information check that your printer type, page or continuous-feed, is selected.
Click your label supplier (if available) in the Label vendors list, and click the label type in the Product number list. Click OK to close the Label Options dialog box:
In the Envelopes and Labels dialog box, click New Document.
If your full address does not fit on the labels, press the Ctrl+A keys together to select all the labels in the sheet. Then you can change the font size, line spacing, and paragraph spacing. For more information about line and paragraph spacing, see Change the line spacing and Change spacing between paragraphs
Print a test sheet on plain paper by clicking File > Print > Print button.
If the test sheet looks good, load your return address label sheets into your printer and click File > Print> Print button.
Save the document so you can use it again the next time you make labels.
For a fancier label, you should start with a template.
Start Word, or click File > New.
Type the return address label in the Search for online templates box and press Enter.
Click the picture of the template you want and click Create.
If you choose an Avery template, you might have some extra options. For more information, see Use Avery templates in Word .
In the first label, click on each line of the address and type in the information for your return address.
Word updates all of he labels as soon as you click a new line or click in a margin.
Print a test sheet on plain paper by clicking File > Print > Print button.
If the test sheet looks good, load your return address label sheets into your printer and click File > Print> Print button.
Save the document so you can use it again the next time you make return address labels.