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How to set a default printer in Windows 11 and Windows 10

Summary: Learn how to manually set a default printer in Windows 11 or Windows 10, or how to allow Windows to automatically manage printers.

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Windows 11 and Windows 10 automatically manage printers by default. If that feature is turned off, you can turn it on by following these steps:
  1. Use the Windows key + Q to bring up the search window and type "printers". Select Printers & scanners from the results.
  2. Under Printer preferences, Use the slider in Windows 11 or the check box in Windows 10 under "Let Windows manage my default printer" to turn that feature on.


To manually set a default printer, follow these steps:

  1. Use the Windows key + Q to bring up the search window. Type "printers," then select Printers & scanners from the results.
  2. Under Printer preferences, use the slider in Windows 11 or the check box in Windows 10 under "Let Windows manage my default printer" to turn that feature off.
  3. Select the printer that you would like to set as the default printer from the list.
  4. Select "Set as default" in the upper right corner of the screen.


Default printers can also be managed in the Windows 10 Control Panel. Follow these steps:

  1. Select Start, then select Control Panel.
  2. Select Devices and Printers.
  3. Right-click the printer from the list that you would like to set as the default printer.
  4. Select Set as default printer.
Article Properties
Article Number: 000177203
Article Type: Solution
Last Modified: 22 Aug 2024
Version:  6
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