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How To Create Linux / AIX / Solaris / HP-UX Grab

Summary: This article describes step by step, how-to-create a Grab for a Linux / AIX / Solaris / HP-UX host with the latest Grab v5.0.0 released on Jul 2024, it combines all Unix Grabs to one package. ...

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Simple steps to create Grabs for Linux / AIX / Solaris / HP-UX Hosts.

Grabs on average take about 15 to 20 minutes to run. If there are many Symmetrix arrays attached to the host, it would be longer. As long as the screen is printing, the script is running good. It can be stopped by ctrl+c anytime, like other linux/Unix commands. 


Must create Grab.


Instructions for running the Grab on a Linux host.
The script should be run as user root or sudo with root privileges, to prevent any data not being collected through lack of permissions.
Download the latest grab utility grab_UnixLinux_v5.x.x_signed.tar from (requires a Dell account).

1. Place the Grab tar file into a suitable directory (e.g., /usr/dell) and extract using the following command: 
    tar -xvf grab_<os>_<version>_signed.tar
    The extracted grab_<os>_<version>_signed.tar file contains the following files:
    To verify the grab_<os>_<version>.tar file run the following command:
    [root@localhost /usr/dell]# ./grab_<os>_<version>

    grab_<os>_<version>.tar: Verified OK
    Note: Openssl must be installed to verify the file signature

2. Once the Grab grab_<os>_<version>.tar file is verified extract it using the following command: 
    tar -xvf grab_<os>_<version>.tar

3. A directory named 'emcgrab' is created which contains all the necessary support scripts and functions to successfully run the data collection scripts.

4. Please ensure that your filesystem has at least 500M of free disk space for temporary files that may be generated during its processing. If there are many Symmetrix arrays attached to the host, the resulting tar file could be very large.

5. Change the directory to emcgrab, and run the command
6. The script generates a compressed tar file, residing in the ./emcgrab/outputs directory unless the -OUTDir option is used to change it. Its format is 
'<hostname>>_<OS>_emcgrab_<version>_[full | lite]_CC<ServiceRequestNumber>.tar.<Z|gz>'.
    If no Service Request number is defined, <ServiceRequestNumber> defaults to 0000000000
7. Download the .tar.gz file and upload to the MFT link or case

1. The script prompts the user with a warning message should it detect less than 50MB remaining on the file system every time the script runs the file system check routine unless run in -autoexec mode.

2. The script prompts for a Dell Technologies license agreement unless in -autoexec mode with the -legal option. Once EMC license agreement is accepted, the script continues.
    Invoking the Grab script with the -legal option confirms that the user accepts the Dell Technologies license agreement.

3. If don't want to see prompts listed in 4, run with the with the following switches 
    ./ -autoexec -legal 

4. When run ./ only
Press enter or space bar to review the agreement:

Then input Y to accept:

If following is prompted, please input the information as asked or just press enter to pass:
Please Enter Service Request Number     :
Please Enter Customer Party Number (Site ID) :
Please Enter Customer Company Name      :
Please Enter Customer Contact Name      :
Please Enter Customer Contact Phone Number      :
Please Enter your Email Address :

If following is prompted, please input Y:
Is the Grab Identification Information Correct (Y/N)    : Y

If this question is prompted, please input n, unless SMI-S information is required by support:
Do you want to collect SMI-S information (y/n) ? n

5. At the end, it shows like below
Finishing Data Collection, please wait...

Creating and compressing Tar File 
<hostname>>_<OS>_emcgrab_<version>_[full | lite]_CC<ServiceRequestNumber>.tar.<Z|gz>...........

All outputs are located in the outputs directory
Output Filename is :

<hostname>>_<OS>_emcgrab_<version>_[full | lite]_CC<ServiceRequestNumber>.tar.<Z|gz>

Please submit this file to Dell EMC for Analysis.  Thank you

Removing Temporary Files....
[root@localhost emcgrab]#


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Article Properties
Article Number: 000170532
Article Type: Solution
Last Modified: 20 Nov 2024
Version:  8
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