c:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\products\sklm\config\SKLMConfig.properties
TransportListener.ssl.protocols from SSL_TLS to SSL_TLSv2
After the change is made you will need to reboot the SKLM server to pick up the configuration change.
2. ML3
Next reconfigure the logical library for Library Managed Encryption (KMIP).
3. Login to the SKLM server and check for Pending client device connection certificate.
This will be on the "Welcome" screen under "Action Items"
Click on the request from the device and click "Accept and Trust". This may have already been done by customer if they have manually imported the certificate. If so you will not see the Pending
device list. Continue to step 4.
4. Run the Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) Wizard.
Click on the "Connectivity Check" and we should see a "Connectivity Check Successful".
Setup Summary should finish at this point.