This guide outlines certificate creation and issuance by a trusted administrator, writing the certificates to smartcards leveraged by end users.
An administrator must:
There is also an Appendix of information. Select the appropriate section for more information.
To leverage smartcard authentication with the Dell Endpoint Security Pre-Boot Environment, we must configure Active Directory to allow for certificate enrollment and generation.
An Enrollment Agent certificate must be assigned to any users who are attempting to assign certificates to smartcards for other users.
To setup and configure templates, Enable the Certificate Template for the Enrollment Agent, and then Add a New Smartcard User Template.
This section describes the changes necessary to the Dell Security Management Server to allow smartcard functionality in the Pre-Boot Authentication environment.
An administrator must Import the Root CA and Modify Policy. Click the appropriate process for more information.
Since the smartcard certificates are signed by the internal certificate authority (CA) in this guide, we must ensure the root CA, and any intermediaries (not shown in this guide) are imported into the certificate chain.
DER encoded binary X.509 (.CER)
.Set path=%PATH%;"C:\Program Files\Dell\Java Runtime\jre1.8\bin"
and then type Enter.
Set path=%PATH%;"C:\Program Files\Dell\Java Runtime\jre1.7\bin"
and then press Enter.
%INSTALLDIR%\Enterprise Edition\Security Server\conf\
and then press Enter.Keytool –import –alias RootCA –file C:\exportedroot.cer –keystore cacerts
and then press Enter.Y
.Click the Dell Data Security server version for appropriate policy configurations. For versioning information, reference How to Identify the Dell Data Security / Dell Data Protection Server Version.
Smartcards are blank by default. Each smartcard must have a certificate that is assigned to it to add a certificate for authentication. Certificates are typically assigned to smartcards through a middleware application. The examples below outline the import through a legacy Charismathics software for enterprise-class smartcards, and VersaSec for personal identity verification (PIV)-based smartcards. An administrator must Enable Single Sign-on to Windows Using Smartcards after assigning the certificate. Select the appropriate process for more information.
To leverage smartcards, we must have an enrollment agent who can assign certificates to the device and a middleware which translates the certificate information coming from the Microsoft Certification Authority into something the card can use.
Most smartcards do not have security tokens preset on them. An administrator must Stage a Security Token on a New Smartcard, Add a Certificate for the Enrollment Agent, and then Enroll Users and Push Certificates. Click the appropriate process for more information.
Now we can Enroll users into the smartcard that we generated and push certificates to the card using the certificate MMC.
To enroll users and push certificates:
Smartcards can now be leveraged for PBA authentication.
VersaSec uses previously generated certificates for new certificate enrolling. This process uses certificate templates that are created through Active Directory to enable an employee to generate log-in certificates for other employees to use during their log-in session. An administrator must complete Certificate Enrollment, Certificate Export, and then Assign a Certificate to a Smartcard. Click the appropriate process for more information.
To enroll a certificate:
Certificates first be exported in PKCS12 format to be assigned to smartcards. Certificates must include the private key and the full certificate chain.
To export a certificate:
Install and download the VersaSec software and any administrative middleware that may be required for the smartcards that are being provisioned.
To assign a certificate to a smartcard:
The process to enable single sign-on to Windows using smartcards differs depending on the version of Dell Encryption Enterprise that is in use. Select the appropriate version for more information. For versioning information, reference How to Identify the Dell Encryption Enterprise or Dell Encryption Personal Version.
No endpoint changes are required. Once the policy has been set through the management console, all endpoint changes occur automatically.
Smartcards themselves may require a middleware. Consult with your smartcard vendor to determine if a middleware solution must be installed on each endpoint to allow for authentication into Windows.
The client machines will not single sign-on by default. A registry key must be added to allow this to occur.
The registry key is:
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\DigitalPersona\Policies\Default\Smartcards] "MSSmartcardSupport"=dword:1 0 or no key = Smart Card Support Off, 1 = Smart Card Support On
.To contact support, reference Dell Data Security International Support Phone Numbers.
Go to TechDirect to generate a technical support request online.
For additional insights and resources, join the Dell Security Community Forum.
Required Role Services:
Certificates are not being accepted in the PBA.
PBA logs show:
[2015.04.07 17:53:18] [3C9ADA3BD9] [3061987072] [898] [E:](CCredPasswordDlg::SmartcardAuthentication()) No smartcard certificate!
Assign a Certificate through the Certificates MMC instead of through the CSP.
Caused by: Path does not chain with any of the trust anchors 2015-05-04 21:06:00,169 ERROR SED [qtp914277914-24] - PBA auth error. Code=InvalidCertificate com.credant.sed.pba.resources.AuthException 2015-05-04 21:06:00,138 INFO SED [qtp914277914-24] - Smartcard auth from agent abbc4a5d-6e6d-4fac-9181-2a1dee1599ee 2015-05-04 21:06:00,169 ERROR SED [qtp914277914-24] - Invalid smartcard cert Invalid cert path at
Import the Certification Authority’s root or intermediary certificate into the Java keystore for Security Server and restart the Security Server service.