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MD Series: Firmware update on MD1000 when connected to MD3000x

Summary: How to do the Firmware update on MD1000 when connected to MD3000x

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This manual describes how to update a MD1000, which is attached to a MD3000 or MD3000i.

SLN316689_en_US__1icon Please Note before Update:
- Do a backup of your data!
- The process of the update could take up to 30 minutes and both EMMs will be restarted.
- For the update, the primary storage has to be in the Optimal state.
- We recommend to do the Update during Downtime, because the IO to the expansion enclosure will be stopped during the update.
- Please check the compatibility-guide of your software-/OS-vendor if the Firmware is approved.




  1. Please download the needed Firmware of the MD3000(SAS) or MD3000i(iSCSI) - related to the primary Chassis. You can find that on the Dell webpage or the FTP
    1. MD3000 - Webpage
    2. MD3000i - Webpage
  2. Extract the downloaded controller-firmware.
  3. Please be sure that the current Firmware is installed to the Main Chassis.
  4. Update the firmware as follows:
    1. Open the Modular Disk Storage Manager (MDSM) and connect to the primary chassis you want to update.
    2. Choose the tab Support.
    3. Choose in there the item Download Firmware.
    4. Now click the item Download Environmental (EMM) Card Firmware.
      SLN316689_en_US__1icon This Menu is only shown if one or more MD1000 are attached.
    5. Please choose the MD1000 you want to update from the shown list. If you want to update all attached expansion enclosures you can also mark the checkbox Select All.
    6. Now click Select File and please choose the File with the Ending *.bin.
    7. If you click the Start-Button you will begin the Update.

Affected Products

Dell PowerVault MD3000 with Red Hat Enterprise Linux HA Clusters, Dell PowerVault MD3000 with Windows HA Clusters, Dell PowerVault MD3000i with Windows HA Clusters, PowerVault MD1000, PowerVault MD3000, PowerVault MD3000i
Article Properties
Article Number: 000124765
Article Type: Solution
Last Modified: 02 Nov 2022
Version:  5
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