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MD Series: Redistribute Virtual Disk(s) - MD3000(i)

Summary: How to Redistribute Virtual Disks on an MD3000 or MD3000i

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When the Recovery Guru on the MDSM shows the error "Virtual Disk Not On Preferred Path" you should manual redistribute the virtual disks.


When data comes to a redundant, dual Controller MD3000(i) over 5 minutes via the nonpreferred path, the failover controller will start to handle the traffic direct but with the error message "Virtual Disk Not On Preferred Path".
This can have different causes, like a failed connection, changed in the fabric (storage network with iSCSI), the wrong MPIO driver, an unsupported operating system, etc.


To redistribute the Virtual Disks of a MD3000 (SAS or iSCSI) please do the following steps.
  1. Open the Modular Disk Storage Manager (MDSM).
  2. Connect to the Storage.
  3. Click the Tab Support.
  4. Select the menu Manage RAID Controller Modules.
  5. Click to Redistribute Virtual Disks.
  6. After that a small window will appear, which will show you the question if you really want to continue. If you click Yes, you can see how the virtual drives are redistributed.

Affected Products

Dell PowerVault MD3000 with Red Hat Enterprise Linux HA Clusters, Dell PowerVault MD3000 with Windows HA Clusters, Dell PowerVault MD3000i with Windows HA Clusters, PowerVault MD3000, PowerVault MD3000i
Article Properties
Article Number: 000124700
Article Type: Solution
Last Modified: 03 Nov 2022
Version:  5
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