This article explains how to recover from a forgotten username and password, or enable password with FTOS switches using GRUB
Warning: Password recovery requires rebooting the switch
1. Open a serial console session to the switch
2. Power cycle the switch
3. Press Esc when you see the following prompt...
" Press Esc to stop autoboot"
You will now see several boot options. Use the ^ and v keys to highlight FTOS-Boot Line Interface and press Enter. You will now see a BOOT_USER# prompt
Note: You will not see the boot option menu in the S3100 switch model. It will directly to go to BOOT_USER#
Once in the U-boot prompt, follow these steps to recover from a forgotten password.
Enter the following commands to ignore the startup-configuration
BOOT_USER#ignore startup-config
When the switch is done booting, apply the startup-configuration to the running-configuration
Dell#copy startup-config running-config
The following commands removes any enable password or enable secret from the switch
Dell(config)#no enable password
Dell(config)#no enable secret
The following command adds an enable secret to the switch. For an enable password, just replace the option "secret" with "password". Enable secret uses MD5 as opposed to DES, and is a stronger encryption.
Dell(config)#enable secret <enter password here>
The following command finds any configured users, and removes them
Dell(config)#do show run | grep username
username Delluser password 7 66a88a701a5b6b80 privilege 15
Dell(config)#no username Delluser
The following command creates a new user "Delluser" and password "P@$$w0rd123" with read and write access
Dell(config)#username Delluser password P@$$w0rd123 privilege 15
Remove all authentication statements for the console, if needed.
Dell(conf)#line console 0
Dell(config-line-console)#no authentication login no password
Dell(config-line-console)#do write memory
When done, save the configuration and reboot the switch.
Dell(config)#do write memory
Dell(config)#do reload