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Dell Nutanix: How to collect logs for XC Series

Summary: This article provides how to collect logs on Dell Nutanix XC Series Appliance products. Nutanix is one of the Hyper-Converged Infrastructure (HCI) products, which is a dedicated appliance model with Nutanix software installed on the Dell EMC PowerEdge server as the OEM. ...

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Applicable Products


Log Collection Steps

  1. Log in with SSH to any CVM using terminal emulators such as Tera Term or Putty.
    Set up to save the output logs with each tool feature.

    NOTE: You must log in with username: Nutanix and password: nutanix/4u.
    If you log in as other users, you are not able to gather the required information due to the permission issue.

  2. Execute the following command to obtain output results.
    $ cluster status: Display the service operation status of the entire Cluster
    $ ncc health_checks run_all: Execute a health check for the entire Cluster and display results
    $ ncli alert history duration=30: Display Alert lists for last 30 days
    $ ncli cluster info: Display cluster UUID and current AOS version
    $ nodetool -h 0 ring: Display current metadata ring status
    $ ncli cluster get-domain-fault-tolerance-status type=node: Display current fault tolerance status
    $ ncli license get-license: Display the current license information

  3. Execute the following command and collect the output file using software such as WinSCP or using SCP command.
    The operation log of the entire cluster is output and saved to /home/nutanix/data/logbay/bundles as

    • Not specify the time: $ logbay collect --aggregate=true
      Collect logs of which from 4 hours before up to the command execution.
    • Specify the time: $ logbay collect --aggregate=true --from=yy/mm/dd-hh:mm:ss --duration=+xh
      Example: logbay collect --aggregate=true --from=2021/06/01-14:00:00 --duration=+4h


    NOTE: This command is available in NCC version 3.7.1 and later.
    You can know the current NCC version by running the command on CVM.
    $ ncc --version
    If the current NCC version is lower than 3.7, please skip this step.

    NOTE: It uses the time zone set up in CVM.
    Access with SSH to CVM, and ensure the timezone in advance with date command.

    NOTE: Use the following options to mask the unique information such as username, container name, and IP.
    $ logbay collect --aggregate=true --anonymize=True

    NOTE: The following option can specify the CVM to collect logs. If there are so many configuration nodes and it makes the log size huge, please utilize this option.
    Example: Collect logs of CVM IP address and
    $ logbay collect --aggregate=true --src,


Affected Products

Dell XC720XD Hyper-converged Appliance, Dell XC430 Hyper-converged Appliance, Dell XC430 Xpress Hyper-converged Appliance, Dell XC630 Hyper-converged Appliance, Dell XC6320 Hyper-converged Appliance, Dell EMC XC Series XC640 Appliance , Dell EMC XC Series XC6420 Appliance, Dell XC730 Hyper-converged Appliance, Dell XC730XD Hyper-converged Appliance, Dell EMC XC Series XC740xd Appliance, Dell EMC XC Series XC940 Appliance ...
Article Properties
Article Number: 000118710
Article Type: How To
Last Modified: 23 Nov 2022
Version:  6
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