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How To Run EMC Grab On Microsoft Windows Hosts

Summary: This article describes step by step how-to-create an EMC grab for a Microsoft Windows host.

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Need to run Dell grabs on a Microsoft Windows host.


Need to run Dell grabs on a Microsoft Windows host.


Grab for Microsoft Windows.
Instructions for running Grab for Windows on Windows Hosts or VMs
The utility must be run with administrator rights.
This is run directly on the host is question.
  1. Download the latest utility from (requires a Dell account) and copy it to the server or VM in question.
  2. Log in to the Server or VM and right-click the utility and "Run as administrator."
  3. The Grab for Windows is a self-extract program that requests you expand it to a specific location (users choice).
  4. Go to that location and right-click the "grab.exe" and "Run as administrator."
  5. The Grab for Windows output is deposited in the "outputs" folder in the location where the grab.exe is located.
  6. The output is in the format
Once complete, the resulting .zip file can be uploaded to the case or a requested ftp location.

Additional Information

Note FTP access requires either Microsoft Internet Explorer or Google Chrome with IETab or Microsoft EDGE with IETab or a third-party FTP client.

Affected Products

Article Properties
Article Number: 000069288
Article Type: Solution
Last Modified: 20 Nov 2024
Version:  9
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