Unity System Status shows Minor problem:
"The system has experienced one or more minor failures. Check related alerts and fix the underlying problems."
Typically checking alerts shows the issue but in this case it does not show what the actual issue.
Because the issue is not known it is not possible to resolve/clear the alert.
Not Applicable
Check the 'cemtracer_health_services.log' for detailed information about the issue. Use the info to resolve the issue and clear the alert.
In this specific case the 'system minor failure' was due to fsn ports changing to linkdown:
cemtracer_health_services.log:11 Sep 2018 22:53:27 - [Health] INFO - {0:2111099:780075380}[17185|27961|ef5ffb40][findRuleInRuleVector @ ../../../components/providers/osls/Health/src/Rule.cpp:118] Rule found Rule[ state=0x8011 log=0x1400060ed9 severity=3 health=15 descr=ALRT_FSNPORT_LINKDOWN res=fsnport_linkdown] for SP A FSN Port 2 OperationalStatus: 0x8011
cemtracer_health_services.log:11 Sep 2018 22:53:27 - [Health] INFO - {0:2111099:780217466}[17185|27961|ef5ffb40][applyRule @ ../../../components/providers/osls/Health/src/HealthCommon.hpp:779] No alert required for root/emc:EMC_UEM_FsnPortLeaf%Tag=03:00:00:00, skipAlert: 0, prevMessageId: 1400060ed9, rule: Rule[ state=0x8011 log=0x1400060ed9 severity=3 health=15 descr=ALRT_FSNPORT_LINKDOWN res=fsnport_linkdown]
The two ports of eth2 are grouped into a link aggreation fsn2, physical port.
To remove the minor issue of the system you need to bring the two eth ports online, or delete the link aggregation since it does not work due to its down state.
Affected Products
Dell EMC Unity Family
Dell EMC Unity Family