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VxRail: How to configure the BMC ports using IPMI

Summary: This article shows how to configure the BMC ports using IPMI on the VxRail (Quanta) platform.

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For appliances running on 3.5 code, the ipmitool can be found on the following path:

For appliances with code 3.0 and bellow, install the ipmitool which is provided as an attachment to this KB. The .zip file contains the tool and instructions on how to install it.

Set static for the BMC IP configuration:
ipmitool lan set 1 ipsrc static

***If 3.5 or later:
/tmp/vspexblue/bin/ipmitool lan set 1 ipsrc static

If you have added the ipmi tool to the node: 
/bin/ipmitool/ipmitool lan set 1 ipsrc static )

Set the IP, mask, and gateway for the BMC.
ipmitool lan set 1 ipaddr
ipmitool lan set 1 netmask
ipmitool lan set 1 defgw ipaddr

***If 3.5 or later precede each command with:

If you have added the ipmi tool to the node precede each command with: 
/bin/ipmitool/ )

Change the root password to password (last argument is the password that you want to use)
ipmitool user set password 2 admin

***If 3.5 or later:
/tmp/vspexblue/bin/ipmitool user set password 2 admin

If you have added the ipmi tool to the node: 
/bin/ipmitool/ipmitool user set password 2 admin

Print the IP configuration for BMC.
ipmitool lan print 1

***If 3.5 or later: 
 /tmp/vspexblue/bin/ipmitool lan print 1

If you have added the ipmi tool to the node:
 /bin/ipmitool/ipmitool lan print 1

Print the user list for BMC.
ipmitool user list 1

***If 3.5 or later:
/tmp/vspexblue/bin/ipmitool user list 1

If you have added the ipmi tool to the node: 
/bin/ipmitool/ipmitool user list 1

It is also possible to setup VLAN on the BMC ports using ipmitool:

Set the VLAN for the BMC to use VLAN 100 (as an example)
ipmitool lan set 1 vlan id 100

***If 3.5 or later:
/tmp/vspexblue/bin/ipmitool lan set 1 vlan id 100

If you have added the ipmi tool to the node:
 /bin/ipmitool/ipmitool lan set 1 vlan id 100

Disable the VLAN for the BMC.  
ipmitool lan set 1 vlan id off

***If 3.5 or later:
 /tmp/vspexblue/bin/ipmitool lan set 1 vlan id off

If you have added the ipmi tool to the node:
 /bin/ipmitool/ipmitool lan set 1 vlan id off

Affected Products

VxRail Appliance Series


VxRail Appliance Series, VxRail Gen2 Hardware, VxRail Software
Article Properties
Article Number: 000019019
Article Type: How To
Last Modified: 31 Oct 2023
Version:  3
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