[root@nmcserver ~]# cat /opt/lgtonmc/etc/gstd.conf | grep hostname
string authsvc_hostname = "nwserver-a1.emclab.local";
a. On the authentication server, create a text file and specify the password value in clear text, on one line. For example, create a file that is called mypassword_in.txt. The contents of this file are "1.Password".
b. Open an admin command prompt in the directory the mypassword_in.txt file was created.
c. Use the certutil.exe command to create a Base64 encoded password for the password value that is defined in the mypassword_in.txt file. For example:
certutil.exe -encode mypassword_in.txt mypassword_out.txt
The contents of the mypassword_out.txt file should be created containing the base64 encoded value for 1.Password. e.g:
a. On the authentication server, run the following command:
echo -n '1.Password' | base64
2. Create a copy of the authc-local-config.json.template file, which is located:
Windows: C:\Program Files\EMC NetWorker\nsr\authc-server\scripts
Linux: /opt/nsr/authc-server/scripts
3. In the authc-local-config.json.template.copy file, perform the following steps:
a. Replace the username variable with Administrator.
b. Replace the encoded_password variable with the base64 encoded password value. For example:
"local_users": [
"user name": "administrator",
"password": "MS5QYXNzd29yZA=="
4. Rename the authc-local-config.json.template.copy file to authc-local-config.json.
5. Copy the authc-local-config.json file to the Tomcat conf folder. By default, the conf folder is located:
Windows: C:\Program Files\EMC NetWorker\authc-server\tomcat\conf
Linux: /nsr/authc/conf
a. Change privileges on the authc-local-config.json file:
chmod 755 /nsr/authc/conf/authc-local-config.json
6. Stop and then start the services on the NetWorker server:
a. From an Administrative command prompt run
net stop nsrexecd
net start nsrd
If the NetWorker server is also the NMC server, start the NMC server service. Type the following commands: net start gstd
a. From a root command prompt run:
systemctl start networker
7. When the NetWorker Authentication Service starts, the startup process checks for the authc-local-config.json. If the file exists and the password adheres to the minimum password policy requirements defined for a password, the NetWorker Authentication Service resets the password. Review the authc-server.log file located:
Windows: C:\Program Files\EMC NetWorker\authc\tomcat\logs
Linux: /nsr/authc/logs
authc_mgmt -u administrator -p "1.Password" -e find-all-users
For example:
authc_mgmt -u administrator -p "1.Password" -e find-all-users
The query returns 2 records.
User Id User Name
1000 administrator
1001 svc_nmc_networker
9. Log in to the NetWorker Management Console using the new password.