Scheduling Cleaning on a Data Domain System
The filesys clean operation reclaims physical storage occupied by deleted objects in the Data Domain file system.
When application software expires backup or archive images and when the images are not present in a snapshot, the images are not accessible or available for recovery from the application or from a snapshot. However, the images still occupy physical storage.
Only a filesys clean operation reclaims the physical storage used by files that are deleted and that are not present in a snapshot. The file system may never report 100% cleaned. The total space cleaned may always be a few percentage points less than 100.
Data Domain recommends running a clean operation after the first full backup to a Data Domain System. The initial local compression on a full backup is generally a factor of 1.5 to 2.5. An immediate clean operation gives additional compression by another factor of 1.15 to 1.2 and reclaims a corresponding amount of disk space.
A default schedule runs the clean operation every Tuesday at 6 a.m. (tue 0600) with 50% throttle.
To increase file system availability, and if the Data Domain System is not short on disk space, consider changing the schedule to clean less often.
Issues that can affect the cleaning process:
A Data Domain that is full may need multiple clean operations to clean 100% of the file system, especially when one or more external shelves are attached. Depending on the type of data stored, such as when using markers for specific backup software (filesys option set marker-type ...), the file system may never report 100% cleaned. The total space cleaned may always be a few percentage points less than 100.
With collection replication, the clean operation does not run on the destination. With directory replication, the clean operation must be run on both the source and destination Data Domain.
To display the current date and time for the clean operation, use the filesys clean show schedule operation.
# filesys clean show schedule
To display the throttle setting for cleaning operations, use the filesys clean show throttle operation. Changes to the throttle setting take effect without restarting cleaning.
filesys clean show throttle
Changing the Scheduled Cleaning
To change the date and time when clean runs automatically, use the clean set schedule operation. The default time is Tuesday at 6 a.m. (tue 0600). The operation is available only to administrative users.
The command syntax is:
filesys clean set schedule daily time filesys clean set schedule monthly day-numeric-1 [,day-numeric-2,...]time filesys clean set schedule never filesys clean set schedule day-name-1[,day-name-2,...]timeFile System Management 223 Clean Operations
For example, the following command runs the operation automatically every Tuesday at 4 p.m.:
# filesys clean set schedule tue 1600
To run the operation more than once in a month, set multiple days in one command. For example, to run the operation on the first and 15th of the month at 4 p.m.:
# filesys clean set schedule monthly 1,15 1600
To set the clean schedule to the default of Tuesday at 6 a.m. (tue 0600), the default throttle of 50%, or both, use the filesys clean reset operation.
filesys clean reset {schedule | throttle | all}