The password that you specified for user user_name was recently used, provide a different password
[root@nmcserver ~]# cat /opt/lgtonmc/etc/gstd.conf | grep hostname
string authsvc_hostname = "nwserver-a1.emclab.local";
To disable the history count, run the following commands on your NetWorker authc server:
authc_config -u Administrator -e add-option -D option-name=PasswordHistoryCount -D option-value=0
The "Administrator" account being specified is the default NetWorker Administrator account. You are prompted for the password for this account after entering the command.
[root@nwserver-a1 ~]# authc_config -u Administrator -e add-option -D option-name=PasswordHistoryCount -D option-value=0
Enter password:
Option PasswordHistoryCount is created successfully.
[root@nwserver-a1 ~]# authc_config -u Administrator -e find-all-options
Enter password:
The query returns 1 records.
Option Id Name
1 PasswordHistoryCount
[root@nwserver-a1 ~]# authc_config -u Administrator -e find-option -D option-id=1
Enter password:
Option Id: 1
Name : PasswordHistoryCount
Value : 0
Once the password history is disabled, you can update the password for that user from the NMC using the previously used password.