. type: save job; vm_name: VM_NAME
sh vm_name; job output; start time; end time; job log file
[root@nwserver ~]# jobquery -i vmperf
Current query set
end time: 1654567313;
job log file: \
job output: Backup completed successfully.;
start time: 1654567245;
vm_name: winclient01;
end time: 1654480913;
job log file: \
job output: Backup completed successfully.;
start time: 1654480845;
vm_name: winclient01;
end time: 1654394509;
job log file: \
job output: Backup completed successfully.;
start time: 1654394446;
vm_name: winclient01;
date -d@UNIX_TIME
[root@nwserver ~]# date -d@1654394446
Sat Jun 4 19:00:46 PDT 2022
[root@nwserver ~]# date -d@1654394509
Sat Jun 4 19:01:49 PDT 2022
[root@nwserver ~]# cat /nsr/logs/policy/Gold/VMware/352801-winclient01-2022-6-4-19-1-47.log | grep "DiskStats"
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: Disk Label | Mode | Bytes Moved | Read Rate | Write Rate | Overhead | VDDK Wait | Total Time | VM MORef | VM Name
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: ------------- | ------ | ----------- | ------------ | ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | --------- | ------------------------------
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: Hard disk 1 | hotadd | 94 MiB | 17 MiB/s | 103 MiB/s | 0:00:17 | 0:00:16 | 0:00:56 | vm-5001 | winclient01
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: Total | | 94 MiB | 17 MiB/s | 103 MiB/s | 0:00:17 | 0:00:16 | 0:00:56 | vm-5001 | winclient01
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: CSV: Generate stats in CSV format for friendly import to spreadsheet.
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: CSV: VM MORef,VM Name,Disk Label,Mode,Bytes Moved,Total Time (sec),Overhead (sec),VDDK Wait (sec),Read Rate (b/s),Write Rate (b/s)
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: CSV: vm-5001,winclient01,Hard disk 1,hotadd,98369536,56,17,17,17673109,107196400
cat /nsr/policy/POLICY_NAME/WORKFLOW_NAME/*VM_NAME*.log | grep DiskStats
[root@nwserver ~]# cat /nsr/logs/policy/Gold/VMware/*winclient01*.log | grep "DiskStats"
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: Disk Label | Mode | Bytes Moved | Read Rate | Write Rate | Overhead | VDDK Wait | Total Time | VM MORef | VM Name
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: ------------- | ------ | ----------- | ------------ | ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | --------- | ------------------------------
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: Hard disk 1 | hotadd | 94 MiB | 17 MiB/s | 103 MiB/s | 0:00:17 | 0:00:16 | 0:00:56 | vm-5001 | winclient01
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: Total | | 94 MiB | 17 MiB/s | 103 MiB/s | 0:00:17 | 0:00:16 | 0:00:56 | vm-5001 | winclient01
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: CSV: Generate stats in CSV format for friendly import to spreadsheet.
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: CSV: VM MORef,VM Name,Disk Label,Mode,Bytes Moved,Total Time (sec),Overhead (sec),VDDK Wait (sec),Read Rate (b/s),Write Rate (b/s)
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: CSV: vm-5001,winclient01,Hard disk 1,hotadd,98369536,56,17,17,17673109,107196400
2022-06-06T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: Disk Label | Mode | Bytes Moved | Read Rate | Write Rate | Overhead | VDDK Wait | Total Time | VM MORef | VM Name
2022-06-06T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: ------------- | ------ | ----------- | ------------ | ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | --------- | ------------------------------
2022-06-06T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: Hard disk 1 | hotadd | 95 MiB | 16 MiB/s | 119 MiB/s | 0:00:17 | 0:00:16 | 0:00:56 | vm-5001 | winclient01
2022-06-06T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: Total | | 95 MiB | 16 MiB/s | 119 MiB/s | 0:00:17 | 0:00:16 | 0:00:56 | vm-5001 | winclient01
2022-06-06T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: CSV: Generate stats in CSV format for friendly import to spreadsheet.
2022-06-06T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: CSV: VM MORef,VM Name,Disk Label,Mode,Bytes Moved,Total Time (sec),Overhead (sec),VDDK Wait (sec),Read Rate (b/s),Write Rate (b/s)
2022-06-06T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: CSV: vm-5001,winclient01,Hard disk 1,hotadd,99221504,57,17,17,16272803,124243462
2022-06-07T02:01:49Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: Disk Label | Mode | Bytes Moved | Read Rate | Write Rate | Overhead | VDDK Wait | Total Time | VM MORef | VM Name
2022-06-07T02:01:49Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: ------------- | ------ | ----------- | ------------ | ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | --------- | ------------------------------
2022-06-07T02:01:49Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: Hard disk 1 | hotadd | 97 MiB | 15 MiB/s | 110 MiB/s | 0:00:16 | 0:00:16 | 0:00:57 | vm-5001 | winclient01
2022-06-07T02:01:49Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: Total | | 97 MiB | 15 MiB/s | 110 MiB/s | 0:00:16 | 0:00:16 | 0:00:57 | vm-5001 | winclient01
2022-06-07T02:01:49Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: CSV: Generate stats in CSV format for friendly import to spreadsheet.
2022-06-07T02:01:49Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: CSV: VM MORef,VM Name,Disk Label,Mode,Bytes Moved,Total Time (sec),Overhead (sec),VDDK Wait (sec),Read Rate (b/s),Write Rate (b/s)
2022-06-07T02:01:49Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: CSV: vm-5
For restores that is in progress, the throughput can be observed in the Recover tab "Rate" column:
If the restore job has completed, the restore log can be reviewed from the following locations:
NetWorker Management Console: Open the saved recover session. The log window details about the throughput on the disks. The recover logs are subject to jobsdb retention (default 72 hours) if this time has passed, the recover session log is removed from NetWorker server but will still exist on vProxy appliance.
NetWorker server:
Linux: /nsr/logs/recover/RecoverName.log
Windows: C:\Program Files\EMC NetWorker\nsr\logs\recover\RecoverName.log
The recover logs are subject to jobsdb retention (default 72 hours) if this time has passed, the recover session log will be removed from NetWorker server but will still exist on vProxy appliance.
vProxy Appliance: completed/failed VM recover session logs can be found on the vProxy appliance under /opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vrecoverd/date/recover_session_id.log
All the above logs contain similar output regarding throughput of the recover session, per disk:
2022-12-16T16:18:50Z NOTICE: [@(#) Build number: 54] Successfully recovered to a new VM.
2022-12-16T16:18:50Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] Disk Label | Mode | Bytes Moved | Read Rate | Write Rate | Overhead | VDDK Wait | Total Time | VM MORef | VM Name
2022-12-16T16:18:50Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] ------------- | ------ | ----------- | ------------ | ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | --------- | ------------------------------
2022-12-16T16:18:50Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] Hard disk 1 | hotadd | 10 GiB | 44 MiB/s | 68 MiB/s | 0:00:17 | 1.4 us | 0:04:25 | vm-12226 | linuxclient01_1
2022-12-16T16:18:50Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] Total | | 10 GiB | 44 MiB/s | 68 MiB/s | 0:00:17 | 1.4 us | 0:04:25 | vm-12226 | linuxclient01_1
2022-12-16T16:18:50Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] CSV: Generate stats in CSV format for friendly import to spreadsheet.
2022-12-16T16:18:50Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] CSV: VM MORef,VM Name,Disk Label,Mode,Bytes Moved,Total Time (sec),Overhead (sec),VDDK Wait (sec),Read Rate (b/s),Write Rate (b/s)
2022-12-16T16:18:50Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] CSV: vm-12226,linuxclient01_1,Hard disk 1,hotadd,10032185344,265,18,0,45138154,71134513
2022-12-16T16:18:50Z NOTICE: [@(#) Build number: 54] Moved 10 GiB at 36 MiB/s. Elapsed Time: 4m31s
vproxy01:~ # ls -l | grep ddpconnchk
-rwxrwxr-x 1 59899 59899 3688848 May 16 2022 ddpconnchk
-rw-r--r-- 1 59899 59899 12086 May 16 2022 ddpconnchk_README.txt
vproxy01:~ #
vproxy01:~ # ./ddpconnchk -s ddve.amer.lan -u sysadmin -p EmcLegato@01 -l linux1 -T writeimage -i 1G -n 1
SERVER: ddve.amer.lan
*** CONNECT SERVER TEST, ddve.amer.lan
DDP Connect Server Test PASSED
*** LIST SUs TEST, ddve.amer.lan
DDLOG: WARN: [68A0:1FBF0F0] ddcl_ddp_get_su(): Deprecated API ddp_get_storage_units_list is used by client
3 SUs total
List SUs Test PASSED
*** GET SU INFO TEST, ddve.amer.lan/linux1
5 images total
Get SU Info Test PASSED
*** EXTENDED TEST: WRITE IMAGE, ddve.amer.lan/linux1/1073741824
DDLOG: INFO: [68A0:1FBF0F0] ddcl_new_client_buffers created private pool with 776 DDCL buffers
DDLOG: INFO: [68A0:1FBF0F0] Cleaning up readahead cache do_ra is 1 ra_init is 0
DDLOG: INFO: [68A0:1FBF0F0] vrapid_nfs_connect: ifgroup disabled
DDLOG: INFO: [68A0:1FBF0F0] JOB END IMAGE_DELETE ip= pid=26784 cd=0 enc=off
DDLOG: INFO: [68A0:1FBF0F0] JOB START IMAGE_WRITE ip= pid=26784 cd=0 enc=off linux1/write_000
DDLOG: INFO: [68A0:1FBF0F0] ddcl_ddcp_ctx_init():358 - idx=3408002, detect_markers=1
DDLOG: INFO: [68A0:1FBF0F0] New fingerprint environment.
DDLOG: INFO: [68A0:1FBF0F0] Segmentation: version [9], min [4096], avg [8192], max [12288], mask = [0x0], skip_first [4096], skip_last [0]
DDLOG: INFO: [68A0:1FBF0F0] ddcl_new_client_buffers created private pool with 776 DDCL buffers
DDLOG: INFO: [68A0:1FBF0F0] Allocated read_ctx_pool of size 223488
DDLOG: INFO: [68A0:1FBF0F0] JOB START IMAGE_READ ip= pid=26784 cd=0 enc=off linux1/write_000
Cumulative Write Throughput: 102.40 MB/s
Cumulative Read Throughput: 102.40 MB/s
SUCCESS: All tests completed
sysadmin@ddve01# net iperf client port 9090 interval 2
Client connecting to, TCP port 9090
TCP window size: 256 KByte (default)
[ 3] local port 45132 connected with port 9090
write failed: Connection reset by peer
[ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth
[ 3] 0.0- 0.0 sec 239 KBytes 1.48 Gbits/sec
sysadmin@ddve01# net iperf client port 443 interval 2
Client connecting to, TCP port 443
TCP window size: 256 KByte (default)
[ 3] local port 37072 connected with port 443
write failed: Broken pipe
[ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth
[ 3] 0.0- 0.0 sec 239 KBytes 147 Mbits/sec
grep -rnw "DiskStats: Total\|DiskStats: Disk Label" /opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/
vproxy01:~ # grep -rnw "DiskStats" /opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/
/opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/20230213_1/BackupVmSessions-44c9827f-9a34-4490-966e-5b28dbd7aa5b.log:647:2023-02-14T03:02:05Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] DiskStats: Disk Label | Mode | Bytes Moved | Read Rate | Write Rate | Overhead | VDDK Wait | Total Time | VM MORef | VM Name
/opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/20230213_1/BackupVmSessions-44c9827f-9a34-4490-966e-5b28dbd7aa5b.log:648:2023-02-14T03:02:05Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] DiskStats: ------------- | ------ | ----------- | ------------ | ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | --------- | ------------------------------
/opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/20230213_1/BackupVmSessions-44c9827f-9a34-4490-966e-5b28dbd7aa5b.log:649:2023-02-14T03:02:05Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] DiskStats: Hard disk 1 | hotadd | 116 MiB | 13 MiB/s | 79 MiB/s | 0:00:18 | 706 ns | 0:00:54 | vm-2002 | linuxclient01
/opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/20230213_1/BackupVmSessions-44c9827f-9a34-4490-966e-5b28dbd7aa5b.log:650:2023-02-14T03:02:05Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] DiskStats: Total | | 116 MiB | 13 MiB/s | 79 MiB/s | 0:00:18 | 706 ns | 0:00:54 | vm-2002 | linuxclient01
/opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/20230213_1/BackupVmSessions-44c9827f-9a34-4490-966e-5b28dbd7aa5b.log:651:2023-02-14T03:02:05Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] DiskStats: CSV: Generate stats in CSV format for friendly import to spreadsheet.
/opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/20230213_1/BackupVmSessions-44c9827f-9a34-4490-966e-5b28dbd7aa5b.log:652:2023-02-14T03:02:05Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] DiskStats: CSV: VM MORef,VM Name,Disk Label,Mode,Bytes Moved,Total Time (sec),Overhead (sec),VDDK Wait (sec),Read Rate (b/s),Write Rate (b/s)
/opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/20230213_1/BackupVmSessions-44c9827f-9a34-4490-966e-5b28dbd7aa5b.log:653:2023-02-14T03:02:05Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] DiskStats: CSV: vm-2002,linuxclient01,Hard disk 1,hotadd,120782848,55,18,0,12670311,82355505
/opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/20230213_1/BackupVmSessions-18d46a36-08a3-47d3-9dd7-515d6e2dd3c5.log:617:2023-02-13T14:01:13Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] DiskStats: Disk Label | Mode | Bytes Moved | Read Rate | Write Rate | Overhead | VDDK Wait | Total Time | VM MORef | VM Name
/opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/20230213_1/BackupVmSessions-18d46a36-08a3-47d3-9dd7-515d6e2dd3c5.log:618:2023-02-13T14:01:13Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] DiskStats: ------------- | ------ | ----------- | ------------ | ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | --------- | ------------------------------
/opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/20230213_1/BackupVmSessions-18d46a36-08a3-47d3-9dd7-515d6e2dd3c5.log:619:2023-02-13T14:01:13Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] DiskStats: Total | | 0 Bytes | 0 MiB/s | 0 MiB/s | 0 ns | 0 ns | 7.8 ms | vm-7002 | winclient02
/opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/20230213_1/BackupVmSessions-18d46a36-08a3-47d3-9dd7-515d6e2dd3c5.log:620:2023-02-13T14:01:13Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] DiskStats: CSV: Generate stats in CSV format for friendly import to spreadsheet.
/opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/20230213_1/BackupVmSessions-18d46a36-08a3-47d3-9dd7-515d6e2dd3c5.log:621:2023-02-13T14:01:13Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] DiskStats: CSV: VM MORef,VM Name,Disk Label,Mode,Bytes Moved,Total Time (sec),Overhead (sec),VDDK Wait (sec),Read Rate (b/s),Write Rate (b/s)
/opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/20230213_1/BackupVmSessions-2d0ff116-4ef5-4fe5-bedb-0f5edc549475.log:617:2023-02-13T18:01:20Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] DiskStats: Disk Label | Mode | Bytes Moved | Read Rate | Write Rate | Overhead | VDDK Wait | Total Time | VM MORef | VM Name
/opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/20230213_1/BackupVmSessions-2d0ff116-4ef5-4fe5-bedb-0f5edc549475.log:618:2023-02-13T18:01:20Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] DiskStats: ------------- | ------ | ----------- | ------------ | ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | --------- | ------------------------------
/opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/20230213_1/BackupVmSessions-2d0ff116-4ef5-4fe5-bedb-0f5edc549475.log:619:2023-02-13T18:01:20Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] DiskStats: Total | | 0 Bytes | 0 MiB/s | 0 MiB/s | 0 ns | 0 ns | 10.1 ms | vm-7002 | winclient02
/opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/20230213_1/BackupVmSessions-2d0ff116-4ef5-4fe5-bedb-0f5edc549475.log:620:2023-02-13T18:01:20Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] DiskStats: CSV: Generate stats in CSV format for friendly import to spreadsheet.
/opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/20230213_1/BackupVmSessions-2d0ff116-4ef5-4fe5-bedb-0f5edc549475.log:621:2023-02-13T18:01:20Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] DiskStats: CSV: VM MORef,VM Name,Disk Label,Mode,Bytes Moved,Total Time (sec),Overhead (sec),VDDK Wait (sec),Read Rate (b/s),Write Rate (b/s)
/opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/20230213_1/BackupVmSessions-34740200-008a-4289-a98b-f1dac4b37d1f.log:617:2023-02-13T22:01:20Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] DiskStats: Disk Label | Mode | Bytes Moved | Read Rate | Write Rate | Overhead | VDDK Wait | Total Time | VM MORef | VM Name
/opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/20230213_1/BackupVmSessions-34740200-008a-4289-a98b-f1dac4b37d1f.log:618:2023-02-13T22:01:20Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] DiskStats: ------------- | ------ | ----------- | ------------ | ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | --------- | ------------------------------
/opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/20230213_1/BackupVmSessions-34740200-008a-4289-a98b-f1dac4b37d1f.log:619:2023-02-13T22:01:20Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] DiskStats: Total | | 0 Bytes | 0 MiB/s | 0 MiB/s | 0 ns | 0 ns | 6.0 ms | vm-7002 | winclient02
/opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/20230213_1/BackupVmSessions-34740200-008a-4289-a98b-f1dac4b37d1f.log:620:2023-02-13T22:01:20Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] DiskStats: CSV: Generate stats in CSV format for friendly import to spreadsheet.
/opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/20230213_1/BackupVmSessions-34740200-008a-4289-a98b-f1dac4b37d1f.log:621:2023-02-13T22:01:20Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] DiskStats: CSV: VM MORef,VM Name,Disk Label,Mode,Bytes Moved,Total Time (sec),Overhead (sec),VDDK Wait (sec),Read Rate (b/s),Write Rate (b/s)
/opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/20230213_1/BackupVmSessions-540d2100-22d3-46ce-8597-3f0ddd92478d.log:617:2023-02-14T02:01:16Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] DiskStats: Disk Label | Mode | Bytes Moved | Read Rate | Write Rate | Overhead | VDDK Wait | Total Time | VM MORef | VM Name
/opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/20230213_1/BackupVmSessions-540d2100-22d3-46ce-8597-3f0ddd92478d.log:618:2023-02-14T02:01:16Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] DiskStats: ------------- | ------ | ----------- | ------------ | ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | --------- | ------------------------------
/opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/20230213_1/BackupVmSessions-540d2100-22d3-46ce-8597-3f0ddd92478d.log:619:2023-02-14T02:01:16Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] DiskStats: Total | | 0 Bytes | 0 MiB/s | 0 MiB/s | 0 ns | 0 ns | 9.7 ms | vm-7002 | winclient02
/opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/20230213_1/BackupVmSessions-540d2100-22d3-46ce-8597-3f0ddd92478d.log:620:2023-02-14T02:01:16Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] DiskStats: CSV: Generate stats in CSV format for friendly import to spreadsheet.
/opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/20230213_1/BackupVmSessions-540d2100-22d3-46ce-8597-3f0ddd92478d.log:621:2023-02-14T02:01:16Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] DiskStats: CSV: VM MORef,VM Name,Disk Label,Mode,Bytes Moved,Total Time (sec),Overhead (sec),VDDK Wait (sec),Read Rate (b/s),Write Rate (b/s)
For incremental backups where no change data was detected the backup shows 0 Bytes. This output tells us the full path to the log which the data was found and includes the disks per VM vmdk. Such information could be used to review patterns in VM backup performance per VM or per disk.