There are several methods for collecting NetWorker software and operating system information for NetWorker systems. Not all methods are needed; however, depending on the issue faced and components that are involved one or a combination of the following processes can be used.
For the NetWorker systems involved, collect the Operating System version details. For example, if there is a client backup/recover issue start by collecting the operating system information for the NetWorker server and the client or clients involved. If issue is with NMC connection collect the operating system details of the NMC server and NetWorker server (if seperate). If issue is with a backup device collect the NetWorker server, storage node, and device information.
On Linux systems we can use the os-release file to get the operating system details: head /etc/*release
[root@nwserver ~]# head /etc/*release
==> /etc/centos-release <==
CentOS Linux release 8.5.2111
==> /etc/os-release <==
NAME="CentOS Linux"
ID_LIKE="rhel fedora"
PRETTY_NAME="CentOS Linux 8"
==> /etc/redhat-release <==
CentOS Linux release 8.5.2111
==> /etc/system-release <==
CentOS Linux release 8.5.2111
On Windows systems the operating system and version details are visible from System:
The systeminfo command can be used from an elevated command prompt to get similar information:
systeminfo | findstr "OS Name"
C:Program FilesEMC NetWorker
srlogs>systeminfo | findstr OS
OS Name: Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Datacenter
OS Version: 10.0.14393 N/A Build 14393
OS Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation
OS Configuration: Member Server
OS Build Type: Multiprocessor Free
BIOS Version: VMware, Inc. VMW71.00V.16707776.B64.2008070230, 8/7/2020
From the NetWorker Management Console we can collect the NetWorker version information for: the NMC server, NetWorker server, Storage Nodes, vProxies, and Clients.
Log into the NMC, the console window banner will display the NMC server version:
1. Connect to the NetWorker server from the NMC.
2. Go to Devices and click Data Domain Systems from the left menu.
3. In the right window the Data Domains will be listed with a column for the OS Version:
On Linux systems we can use the rpm command to find which NetWorker packages are installed: rpm -qa | grep lgto
[root@nwserver ~]# rpm -qa | grep lgto
To get specific information about a package, use: rpm -qi package_name
[root@nwserver ~]# rpm -qi lgtoserv- | grep -i "Version|Summary"
Version :
Summary : NetWorker Server
C:Program FilesEMC NetWorker
srlogs>wmic product get name, version, vendor | findstr NetWorker
NetWorker Runtime Environment DELL EMC Corporation 8.0.10
NetWorker Authentication Service DELL EMC
NetWorker Extended Client DELL EMC
NetWorker DELL EMC
NetWorker Management Console DELL EMC
NetWorker DELL EMC
NetWorker DELL EMC
NetWorker Management Web UI Server DELL EMC
All NetWorker systems: NetWorker server, storage nodes, clients, and NMC server's will have a daemon.raw file; in environments with active daemon rendering configured a daemon.log will be available. The daemon log files can be found in the following location:
Linux: /nsr/logs/
Windows: C:Program FilesEMC NetWorker srlogs
To render an unrendered daemon.raw, you can run the following command from an elevated command prompt in the NetWorker logs directory: nsr_render_log daemon.raw > daemon.log 2<&1
Anytime the NetWorker services are started the process version details will be displayed in the daemon.raw.
0 3/9/2022 8:15:12 PM 1 5 0 2520 2516 0 networker-mc.emclab.local nsrexecd NSR notice @(#) Release:
0 3/9/2022 8:15:40 PM 1 5 0 5424 5420 0 networker-mc.emclab.local nsrd NSR notice @(#) Release:
0 3/9/2022 8:16:52 PM 1 5 0 1788 1784 0 networker-mc.emclab.local nsrsnmd NSR notice @(#) Release:
For the Networker Management Console, the gstd.raw on the NMC server shows the NMC version.
Linux: /opt/lgtonmc/logs/gstd.raw
Windows: C:Program FilesEMC NetWorkerManagementlogsgstd.raw
NetWorker: How to use nsr_render_log
nsradmin can be run on NetWorker servers, NMC server, storage nodes, and NetWorker clients. Open an administrative command prompt. In order to use nsradmin the NetWorker services for that system must be running. nsradmin can be used when services are off. Refer to nsradmin Continued field.
1. From the NetWorker server, NMC server, and clients open an elevated command prompt.
2. Run: nsradmin -p nsrexecd
3. The results can be filtered by entering: show name; OS; NetWorker version
4. Enter: print type: nsrla
C:Windowssystem32>nsradmin -p nsrexecd
NetWorker administration program.
Use the "help" command for help, "visual" for full-screen mode.
nsradmin> show name; OS; NetWorker version
nsradmin> p type: nsrla
name: networker-mc.emclab.local;
OS: Windows Server 2016 Datacenter 10.0;
NetWorker version:;
To connect to the NetWorker server database run: nsradmin
To display NetWorker server information run: print type: nsr
[root@storagenode ~]# nsradmin -p nsrexecd
NetWorker administration program.
Use the "help" command for help, "visual" for full-screen mode.
nsradmin> show name; nsrmmd version; OS; NetWorker version
nsradmin> p type: nsrla
name: centos8.emclab.local;
nsrmmd version:;
OS: CentOS Linux release 8.5.2111;
NetWorker version:;
See All Dell EMC End-of-Life Documents for supported NetWorker versions. If unsupported NetWorker software versions are used, upgrade to supported NetWorker release.
All NetWorker packages can be downloaded from:
NetWorker Installation and Administration Guides can be found under: