SIEM can import data and run rules or reports that are based on the data. The goal is to aggregate data from various sources, identify anomalies in the data, and take appropriate action based on the data.
The Dell Security Management Server and Dell Security Management Server Virtual each offer two different ways to consume data into a SIEM or Syslog application.
In the 9.2 server, the ability to communicate with the Advanced Threat Prevention cloud was introduced, which allowed the ability to configure Advanced Threat Event data to be sent to a SIEM application.
To configure this data within the Dell Security Management Server or Dell Security Management Server Virtual's WebUI, go to Populations > Enterprise > Advanced Threats (this tab is only visible if Advanced Threat Prevention has been enabled through the Management > Services Management task) > Options.
The Options page has a checkbox for Syslog/SIEM which allows us to configure where the data is sent. This data comes from the Advanced Threat Prevention servers that are hosted within Amazon Web Services.
If the Advanced Threat Prevention Syslog Integration cannot successfully deliver syslog messages to your server, an email notification is sent to any Administrators with a confirmed email address in the organization, alerting them to the syslog issue.
If the issue is resolved before the 20 minute time period has ended, then syslog messages continue to be delivered. If the issue is resolved after the 20 minute time period, an Administrator must reenable syslog messaging.
Here is an example configuration that of an external fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of over port 5514. This configuration would assume that has an external DNS entry that resolves to the server within the environment running the SIEM or Syslog application, and port 5514 has been forwarded from the environment's gateway to the destination SIEM or Syslog application.
Figure 1: (English Only) Dell Data Security console
Events coming through this functionality are branded as they come from our vendor, Cylance.
The SaaS for Advanced Threat Prevention has several IP addresses for each region. This allows for expansion without interrupting any syslog service. Allow all IP addresses that are based on your region when configuring your rules. Logs from Cylance source from one of these IPs and can change randomly.
Dell Security Management Server and Dell Security Management Server Virtual introduced the ability to send events received from agents in 9.7. This includes the raw, unfiltered events from Dell Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise, and events from Dell Secure Lifecycle and Dell Data Guardian.
You can configure Security Management Server to send Agent Event Data within Management > Services Management > Event Management. This data can be exported to a local file or Syslog. Two options are here: Export to Local File, and Export to Syslog
Figure 2: (English Only) Events Management
Export to Local File, updates the audit-export.log file so a universal forwarder consumes it. This file's default location is C:\Program Files\Dell\Enterprise Edition\Security Server\logs\siem\.
This file is updated every two hours with data. This file can be picked up and consumed by a forwarder. For more information about forwarders, see the specific Syslog or SIEM application that you are leveraging to consume this data, as forwarders differ based on application.
Figure 3: (English Only) Export to local file
Export to Syslog allows for the direct connection to an internal SIEM or Syslog server within the environment. These logs are formatted in a simple format that is based on RFC-3164 in a json bundle. This data comes from the Dell Security Management Server and is sent directly to the SIEM or Syslog server. This data is collected and sent every two hours using a job.
Figure 4: (English Only) Export to Syslog
The Dell Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise event data that is sent through is listed above. Typically, SaaS sends this data, allowing the Dell Security Management Server to be able to collect this data from the agents as they check in with inventories and forward this to the configured SIEM or Syslog application.
Agent event data contain both the previously mentioned Dell Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise event data, and Dell Secure Lifecycle and Dell Data Guardian data. This data comes in events as well.
This option is only visible to users who have the Application Control feature enabled. Application Control events represent actions occurring when the device is in Application Control mode. Selecting this option sends a message to the Syslog server whenever an attempt is made to modify, copy an executable file, or when an attempt is made to run a file from a device or network location.
Figure 5: (English Only) Example message for deny PE file change
Figure 6: (English Only) Example message for deny execution from an external drive
Selecting this option sends the audit log of user actions that are performed in the SaaS to the Syslog server. Audit log events appear in the Audit Log screen, even when this option is cleared.
Figure 7: (English Only) Example message for audit log being forwarded to Syslog
Selecting this option sends device events to the Syslog server.
Figure 8: (English Only) Example message for device registered event
Figure 9: (English Only) Example message for device removed event
Figure 10: (English Only) Example message for device updated event
Selecting this option logs any Memory Exploit Attempts that might be considered an attack from any of the Tenant’s devices to the Syslog server. There are four types of Memory Exploit actions:
Figure 11: (English Only) Example message of memory protection event
Selecting this option logs any newly found scripts to the Syslog server that Advanced Threat prevention convicts.
Syslog Script Control events contain the following properties:
The first time a Script Control event is detected, a message is sent using syslog with full event information. Each subsequent event that is deemed a duplicate is not sent using syslog for the remainder of the day (based on the SaaS's server time).
If the counter for a specific Script Control event is greater than one, an event is sent using syslog with the count of all duplicate events that have transpired that day. If the counter equals one, no additional message is sent using syslog.
Determining if a Script Control event is a duplicate uses the following logic:
Figure 12: (English Only) Example message of script control
Selecting this option logs any newly found threats, or changes observed for any existing threat, to the Syslog server. Changes include a threat being removed, quarantined, waived, or run.
There are five Threat Event types:
There are six Threat Classification types:
Figure 13: (English Only) Example message of threat event
Each day, Dell's Advanced Threat Prevention classifies hundreds of threats as either Malware or Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUPs).
By selecting this option, you are notified when these events occur.
Figure 14: (English Only) Example message of threat classification
Specifies the type of Syslog server or SIEM that events are to be sent to.
This must match what you have configured on your Syslog server. The choices are UDP or TCP. TCP is the default, and we encourage customers to use it. UDP is not recommended as it does not guarantee message delivery.
Only available if the Protocol specified is TCP. TLS/SSL ensures that the Syslog message is encrypted in transit to the Syslog server. We encourage customers to select this option. Be sure that your Syslog server is configured to listen for TLS/SSL messages.
Specifies the IP address or fully qualified domain name of the Syslog server that the customer has setup. Consult with your internal network experts to ensure that firewall and domain settings are properly configured.
Specifies the port number on the machines that the Syslog server listens for messages. It must be a number between 1 and 65535. Typical values are: 512 for UDP, 1235 or 1468 for TCP, and 6514 for Secured TCP (for example: TCP with TLS/SSL enabled)
Specifies the severity of the messages that should appear in the Syslog server (this is a subjective field, and you may set it to whatever level you like). The value of severity does not change the messages that are forwarded to Syslog.
Specifies what type of application is logging the message. The default is Internal (or Syslog). This is used to categorize the messages when the Syslog server receives them.
Some log management services, like SumoLogic, might need a custom token that is included with syslog messages to help identify where those messages should go. The custom token provides your log management service.
Click Test Connection to test the IP/Domain, Port, and Protocol settings. If valid values are entered, a success confirmation is displayed.
Figure 15: (English Only) Successful connection banner
On the Syslog server console, you receive the following Test Connection Message:
Figure 16: (English Only) Test connection message
Event that tells an admin when a file has been uploaded to a cloud provider.
The agent that generates the event may be one or more of the following:
Payload | |
Provider | Process that is doing the upload. |
File | Information about the file being uploaded includes, keyid, path, filename, and size. |
Geometry | The location where this event took place. |
Loggedinuser | User that is logged into the device. |
{ "source": { "agent": "c4b28f9b-0fe8-4f40-b8de-705753492d46", "user": "", "device": "", "plugin": "ae69b049-602d-4f10-81f8-f0f126cb10f3" }, "timestamp": 1456328219437, "payload": { "provider":"Sync Provider", "file": { "keyid": "Test Key Id", "path": "Test Path", "filename": "Original Name", "size": 1234 } ""loggedinuser"":"""" }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [115.24631773614618, 41.082960184314317] }, "moniker": " sl_file_upload", "version":1 }
Event that happens when a User changes the folder policy through the folder management console.
The agent that generates the event may be one or more of the following:
Payload | |
Folderpath | Folder in which the protection level was changed |
Folderprotection | A string that defines a protection level: UsePolicy, ForceAllow, ForceProtect, PreExisting_ForceAllow, PreExisting_ForceAllow_Confirmed |
Geometry | The location where this event took place. |
Loggedinuser | User that is logged into the device. |
{ "source": { "agent": "c4b28f9b-0fe8-4f40-b8de-705753492d46", "user": "", "device": "", "plugin": "ae69b049-602d-4f10-81f8-f0f126cb10f3" }, "timestamp": 1456328219437, "payload": { "folderpath":"Folder Path", "folderprotection:"ForceProtect" ""loggedinuser"":"""" }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [115.24631773614618, 41.082960184314317] }, "moniker": " sl_file_overrride", "version":1 }
Event that tells an admin when access to a cloud provider has been blocked.
The agent that generates the event may be one or more of the following:
Payload | |
Address | Process that is doing the upload. |
Process | Information about the file being uploaded includes, keyid, path, filename, and size. |
Application | Type of process trying to access a blocked cloud provider. App, Proxy, or Browser |
Netaction | Type of action happening. (only one value Blocked) |
Geometry | The location where this event took place. |
Loggedinuser | User that is logged into the device. |
{ "source": { "agent": "c4b28f9b-0fe8-4f40-b8de-705753492d46", "user": "", "device": "", "plugin": "ae69b049-602d-4f10-81f8-f0f126cb10f3" }, "timestamp": 1456328219437, "payload": { "address":"", "process":"process.exe", "application":"Proxy", "netaction":"Blocked", ""loggedinuser"":"""" }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [115.24631773614618, 41.082960184314317] }, "moniker": " sl_net_info", "version":1 }
Events that deal with the actions that are associated with Dell Data Guardian protected email messages.
The agent that generates the event may be one or more of the following:
Payload | |
Email messages | Array of email objects |
keyId | Key id used to protect the email. |
Subject | Subject line from email |
To | Email addresses that the email was sent to. |
cc | Email addresses that the email was copied to. |
Bcc | Email addresses that the email was blind copied to. |
From | Email address of the person that sent the email. |
Attachments | Names of attachments that were added to the email |
Action | "Opened," "Created," "Responded,"Sent" |
Loggedinuser | User that is logged into the device. |
{ "source": { "agent": "c4b28f9b-0fe8-4f40-b8de-705753492d46", "user": "", "device": "", "plugin": "ae69b049-602d-4f10-81f8-f0f126cb10f3" }, "timestamp": 1456328219437, "payload": { ""emails": [{ "keyid": "c4b28f9b-0fe8-4f40-b8de-705753492d46", "subject": "Test Subject", "from":"", "to": ["", ""], "cc": ["", ""], "bcc": ["", ""], "attachments": ["myDocx.docx", "HelloWorld.txt"], "action": "Open" }], ""loggedinuser"":"""" }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [115.24631773614618, 41.082960184314317] }, "moniker": "sl_protected_email", "version":1 }
Events that deal with the actions that are associated with Dell Data Guardian protected office documents.
The agent that generates the event may be one or more of the following:
Payload | |
File | File Information about that was Encrypted, Decrypted, or Deleted. |
clientType | Client type that has been installed. External or Internal |
Action | Created, Accessed, Modified, Unprotected, AttemptAccess |
Slaction | New, Open, Updated, Swept, Watermarked, BlockCopy, RepairedTampering, DetectedTampering, Unprotected, Deleted, RequestAccess, GeoBlocked, RightClickProtected, PrintBlocked |
Geometry | The location where this event took place. |
From | Timestamp for summary event when it began. |
To | Timestamp for summary event when the event ended. |
Loggedinuser | User that is logged into the device. |
Appinfo | Information about the application using the Protected Office Document |
{ "source": { "agent": "c4b28f9b-0fe8-4f40-b8de-705753492d46", "user": "", "device": "", "plugin": "ae69b049-602d-4f10-81f8-f0f126cb10f3" }, "timestamp": 1456328219437, "payload": { "from":1234567 "to":1234567 "file": { "keyid": "Test Key Id", "path": "Test Path", "filename": "Original Name", "size": 1234 }, "clientType": "internal", "action": "Accessed", "slaction":"Open" }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [115.24631773614618, 41.082960184314317] }, "moniker": "sl_protected_file", "version":1 } ""payload"":{""from"":12345678"",""to"":12345678,""file"":{""keyid"":""Test Key Id"",""path"":""TestPath"",""filename"":""Original Name"",""size"":1234},""clientType"":""external"",""action"":""Created"" ""slaction"":""New"",""loggedinuser"":""""} ""payload"":{""from"":12345678"",""to"":12345678,""file"":{""keyid"":""Test Key Id"",""path"":""Test Path"",""filename"":""Original Name"",""size"":1234},""clientType"":""external"",""action"":""Accessed"", ""slaction"":""Open"",""loggedinuser"":""""} ""payload"":{""from"":12345678"",""to"":12345678,""file"":{""keyid"":""Test Key Id"",""path"":""Test Path"",""filename"":""Original Name"",""size"":1234},""clientType"":""external"",""action"":""Modified"" , ""slaction"":""Updated"",""loggedinuser"":""""} ""payload"":{""from"":12345678"",""to"":12345678,""file"":{""keyid"":""Test Key Id"",""path"":""Test Path"",""filename"":""Original Name"",""size"":1234},""clientType"":""external"",""action"":""Modified"", ""slaction"":""Swept"",""loggedinuser"":""""} ""payload"":{""from"":12345678"",""to"":12345678,""file"":{""keyid"":""Test Key Id"",""path"":""Test Path"",""filename"":""Original Name"",""size"":1234},""clientType"":""external"",""action"":""Modified"", ""slaction"":""Watermarked"",""loggedinuser"":""""} ""payload"":{""from"":12345678"",""to"":12345678,""file"":{""keyid"":""Test Key Id"",""path"":""Test Path"",""filename"":""Original Name"",""size"":1234},""clientType"":""external"",""action"":""Accessed"", ""slaction"":""BlockedCopy"",""loggedinuser"":""""} ""payload"":{""from"":12345678"",""to"":12345678,""file"":{""keyid"":""Test Key Id"",""path"":""Test Path"",""filename"":""Original Name"",""size"":1234},""clientType"":""external"",""action"":""Accessed"", ""slaction"":""DetectedTampering"",""loggedinuser"":""""} ""payload"":{""from"":12345678"",""to"":12345678,""file"":{""keyid"":""Test Key Id"",""path"":""Test Path"",""filename"":""Original Name"",""size"":1234},""clientType"":""external"",""action"":""Modified"", ""slaction"":""RightClickProtected"",""loggedinuser"":""""} ""payload"":{""from"":12345678"",""to"":12345678,""file"":{""keyid"":""Test Key Id"",""path"":""Test Path"",""filename"":""Original Name"",""size"":1234},""clientType"":""external"",""action"":""Accessed"", ""slaction"":""PrintBlocked"",""appinfo"":{ ""app"":""Word"", ""information"": ""Print blocked protected office document open."" },""loggedinuser"":""""} ""payload"":{""from"":12345678"",""to"":12345678,""clientType"":""external"",""action"":""Accessed"", ""slaction"":""PrintBlocked"","appinfo":{ ""app"":""Reader"", ""information"":""Print blocked while protected PDF open."" },""loggedinuser"":""""}
Event that happens when the computer issues an event.
The agent that generates the event may be one or more of the following:
Payload | |
Action | What the computer is doing examples - Login, Logout, PrintScreenBlocked, ProcessBlocked |
Geometry | The location where this event took place. |
clientType | Client type that has been installed. External or internal |
Loggedinuser | User that logged in to the device. |
processInfo | Information about the process |
Disposition | How the process was blocked - Terminated, Blocked, None. |
Name | Name of the process |
{ "source": { "agent": "c4b28f9b-0fe8-4f40-b8de-705753492d46", "user": "", "device": "", "plugin": "ae69b049-602d-4f10-81f8-f0f126cb10f3" }, "timestamp": 1456328219437, "payload": { "action":"login","clientType":"external","loggedinuser":"", }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [115.24631773614618, 41.082960184314317] }, "moniker": "sl_system", "version":1 } "payload": {"action":"PrintScreenBlocked","clientType":"external","loggedinuser":""} "payload": { "action": "processblocked","clientType": "external","loggedinuser": "","processinfo": {"name": "winword.exe","disposition": "Terminated"}
Cloud Edition Events that specify when a file is encrypted, decrypted, or deleted from a supported cloud provider.
The agent that generates the event may be one or more of the following:
Payload | |
File | File Information about that was Encrypted, Decrypted, or Deleted. |
clientType | Client type that has been installed. External or Internal |
Action | Created, Accessed, Modified, Deleted |
Cloudname | The name of the file in the cloud maybe different than the one in the file tag above |
Xenaction | Description of what the DG service is trying to do. Values - Encrypt, Decrypt, Deleted. |
Geometry | The location where this event took place. |
Loggedinuser | User that is logged into the device. |
{ "source": { "agent": "c4b28f9b-0fe8-4f40-b8de-705753492d46", "user": "", "device": "", "plugin": "ae69b049-602d-4f10-81f8-f0f126cb10f3" }, "timestamp": 1456328219437, "payload": { "file": { "keyid": "Test Key Id", "path": "Test Path", "filename": "Original Name", "size": 1234 }, "clientType": "internal", "action": "Created", "cloudname":"Cloud Name", "xenaction":"Encrypt", ""loggedinuser"":"""" }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [115.24631773614618, 41.082960184314317] }, "moniker": "sl_xen_file", "version":1 }
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