Performans ve ölçeklendirilebilirlik seçenekleri ile en iyi uygulamalar, NetWorker VMware Entegrasyon Rehberi'nin
Performance and
Scalability (Performans ve Ölçeklenebilirlik) bölümünde özetlenmiştir. Rehbere buradan erişebilirsiniz:
1. NetWorker sunucusunda giriş dosyası (örnek: vmperf) oluşturun
2. Giriş dosyasını aşağıdaki ayrıntılarla doldurun:
. type: save job; vm_name: VM_NAME
sh vm_name; job output; start time; end time; job log file
Note: VM_NAME ifadesini, etkilenen sanal makinenin adıyla değiştirin. Bu bilgileri
mminfo -kot çıktısından alabilirsiniz.
3. İş sorgusunu ve giriş dosyasını kullanarak iş başlangıç ve bitiş saatleri ve yedekleme oturumu günlük bilgileri hakkında ayrıntılar toplanabilir.
[root@nwserver ~]# jobquery -i vmperf
Current query set
end time: 1654567313;
job log file: \
job output: Backup completed successfully.;
start time: 1654567245;
vm_name: winclient01;
end time: 1654480913;
job log file: \
job output: Backup completed successfully.;
start time: 1654480845;
vm_name: winclient01;
end time: 1654394509;
job log file: \
job output: Backup completed successfully.;
start time: 1654394446;
vm_name: winclient01;
4. Çıktıdaki süreler UNIX saatidir ancak bu, şununla dönüştürülebilir: date -d@UNIX_TIME
[root@nwserver ~]# date -d@1654394446
Sat Jun 4 19:00:46 PDT 2022
[root@nwserver ~]# date -d@1654394509
Sat Jun 4 19:01:49 PDT 2022
5. Uzun bir yedekleme çalışması olan yedeklerin, performansı hakkında bilgi edinmek için iş günlüğü dosyasını gözden geçirin:
[root@nwserver ~]# cat /nsr/logs/policy/Gold/VMware/352801-winclient01-2022-6-4-19-1-47.log | grep "DiskStats"
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: Disk Label | Mode | Bytes Moved | Read Rate | Write Rate | Overhead | VDDK Wait | Total Time | VM MORef | VM Name
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: ------------- | ------ | ----------- | ------------ | ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | --------- | ------------------------------
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: Hard disk 1 | hotadd | 94 MiB | 17 MiB/s | 103 MiB/s | 0:00:17 | 0:00:16 | 0:00:56 | vm-5001 | winclient01
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: Total | | 94 MiB | 17 MiB/s | 103 MiB/s | 0:00:17 | 0:00:16 | 0:00:56 | vm-5001 | winclient01
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: CSV: Generate stats in CSV format for friendly import to spreadsheet.
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: CSV: VM MORef,VM Name,Disk Label,Mode,Bytes Moved,Total Time (sec),Overhead (sec),VDDK Wait (sec),Read Rate (b/s),Write Rate (b/s)
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: CSV: vm-5001,winclient01,Hard disk 1,hotadd,98369536,56,17,17,17673109,107196400
Note: Yedeklemenin normalden daha uzun sürdüğü zamanlarda Toplam Yazma Hızı, diğer yedekleme oturumlarında görülen ortalamadan daha düşüktür.
6. Belirli sanal makinenin politika günlükleri aşağıdaki komut çalıştırılarak incelenebilir:
cat /nsr/policy/POLICY_NAME/WORKFLOW_NAME/*VM_NAME*.log | grep DiskStats
[root@nwserver ~]# cat /nsr/logs/policy/Gold/VMware/*winclient01*.log | grep "DiskStats"
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: Disk Label | Mode | Bytes Moved | Read Rate | Write Rate | Overhead | VDDK Wait | Total Time | VM MORef | VM Name
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: ------------- | ------ | ----------- | ------------ | ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | --------- | ------------------------------
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: Hard disk 1 | hotadd | 94 MiB | 17 MiB/s | 103 MiB/s | 0:00:17 | 0:00:16 | 0:00:56 | vm-5001 | winclient01
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: Total | | 94 MiB | 17 MiB/s | 103 MiB/s | 0:00:17 | 0:00:16 | 0:00:56 | vm-5001 | winclient01
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: CSV: Generate stats in CSV format for friendly import to spreadsheet.
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: CSV: VM MORef,VM Name,Disk Label,Mode,Bytes Moved,Total Time (sec),Overhead (sec),VDDK Wait (sec),Read Rate (b/s),Write Rate (b/s)
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: CSV: vm-5001,winclient01,Hard disk 1,hotadd,98369536,56,17,17,17673109,107196400
2022-06-06T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: Disk Label | Mode | Bytes Moved | Read Rate | Write Rate | Overhead | VDDK Wait | Total Time | VM MORef | VM Name
2022-06-06T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: ------------- | ------ | ----------- | ------------ | ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | --------- | ------------------------------
2022-06-06T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: Hard disk 1 | hotadd | 95 MiB | 16 MiB/s | 119 MiB/s | 0:00:17 | 0:00:16 | 0:00:56 | vm-5001 | winclient01
2022-06-06T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: Total | | 95 MiB | 16 MiB/s | 119 MiB/s | 0:00:17 | 0:00:16 | 0:00:56 | vm-5001 | winclient01
2022-06-06T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: CSV: Generate stats in CSV format for friendly import to spreadsheet.
2022-06-06T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: CSV: VM MORef,VM Name,Disk Label,Mode,Bytes Moved,Total Time (sec),Overhead (sec),VDDK Wait (sec),Read Rate (b/s),Write Rate (b/s)
2022-06-06T02:01:48Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: CSV: vm-5001,winclient01,Hard disk 1,hotadd,99221504,57,17,17,16272803,124243462
2022-06-07T02:01:49Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: Disk Label | Mode | Bytes Moved | Read Rate | Write Rate | Overhead | VDDK Wait | Total Time | VM MORef | VM Name
2022-06-07T02:01:49Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: ------------- | ------ | ----------- | ------------ | ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | --------- | ------------------------------
2022-06-07T02:01:49Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: Hard disk 1 | hotadd | 97 MiB | 15 MiB/s | 110 MiB/s | 0:00:16 | 0:00:16 | 0:00:57 | vm-5001 | winclient01
2022-06-07T02:01:49Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: Total | | 97 MiB | 15 MiB/s | 110 MiB/s | 0:00:16 | 0:00:16 | 0:00:57 | vm-5001 | winclient01
2022-06-07T02:01:49Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: CSV: Generate stats in CSV format for friendly import to spreadsheet.
2022-06-07T02:01:49Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: CSV: VM MORef,VM Name,Disk Label,Mode,Bytes Moved,Total Time (sec),Overhead (sec),VDDK Wait (sec),Read Rate (b/s),Write Rate (b/s)
2022-06-07T02:01:49Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: CSV: vm-5
Note: Politika günlükleri jobsdb tutmayı izler (varsayılan: 72 saat). Ancak jobsdb aralığı, ilişkilendirilmiş politika günlüklerini geçtikten ve iş sırası girişleri kaldırıldıktan sonra vProxy cihazı, VM yedekleme oturumu günlüklerini /opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/ altında yerel olarak tutar