te installeren. Dit wordt alleen gebruikt om een back-up te maken van de transactielogboeken van de database.VM-back-upniveaus worden in NetWorker weergegeven als het niveau "full", ongeacht het geplande back-upniveau. In het bewakingsvenster van de NetWorker Management Console (NMC) wordt bijvoorbeeld het volgende weergegeven:
De saveset-details zoals weergegeven in de mediadatabase (mm) van de NetWorker-server geven niveaus weer als vol: mminfo -kvot
[root@nsr ~]# mminfo -kvot volume type client date time size ssid fl lvl name VMBackupPool.002 Data Domain vcsa.amer.lan 09/26/2024 09:00:10 PM 114 GB 3824550812 cr full vm:503ea434-0331-8ed6-8b19-b9cd408cce7a:vcsa.amer.lan VMBackupPool.002 Data Domain vcsa.amer.lan 09/26/2024 09:00:11 PM 104 GB 3807773596 cr full vm:503ebedd-f10f-3109-3a01-ab59180c700a:vcsa.amer.lan VMBackupPool.002 Data Domain vcsa.amer.lan 09/26/2024 09:00:12 PM 104 GB 3790996380 cr full vm:503e73d1-0586-cc5a-6748-fa3dc7d54047:vcsa.amer.lan VMBackupPool.002 Data Domain vcsa.amer.lan 09/26/2024 09:00:13 PM 104 GB 3774219164 cr full vm:503ebd5c-db03-255f-b9c4-ec4bf6738647:vcsa.amer.lan VMBackupPool.002 Data Domain vcsa.amer.lan 09/26/2024 09:00:14 PM 104 GB 3757441948 cr full vm:503e47a3-d13b-64cd-df1a-9184f0ffd45e:vcsa.amer.lan
De uitgebreide mminfo
Details rapporteren het back-upniveau dat is uitgevoerd:
mminfo -S -q ssid=SSID
[root@nsr ~]# mminfo -S -q ssid=3790996380
ssid=3790996380 savetime=09/26/2024 09:00:12 PM (1727398812) vcsa.amer.lan:vm:503e73d1-0586-cc5a-6748-fa3dc7d54047:vcsa.amer.lan
level=full sflags=vrF size=107479425880 files=1 insert=09/26/2024
create=09/26/2024 complete=09/26/2024 browse=10/03/2024 09:00:10 PM retent=10/03/2024 11:59:59 PM
**backup start time: 1727398812;
*backup_device: Data Domain;
*backup_mode: VSS;
*occupiedvmdiskutil: 16584376320;
*policy action name: "backup: 1727398811";
*policy name: "VMware Protection: 1727398811";
*policy workflow name: "Full VM: 1727398811";
*policy_workflow_action_path: /VMware Protection/Full VM/backup;
*proxy_hostname: nsr-vproxy01.amer.lan;
*ss data domain backup cloneid: 1727398811;
*ss data domain dedup statistics: "v1:1727398811:107438073630:53930194:52145905";
*SSID directory: Yes;
*totalvmdiskutil: 106648563712;
*vcenter_hostname: vcsa.amer.lan;
*vm_backup_level: incr;
*vm_info: \
Ongeacht of nsrcapinfo
of mminfo
wordt gebruikt, geven de VM-back-ups altijd de volledige ingerichte grootte van de VM in VMware weer. Het geeft niet de hoeveelheid data weer waarvan een back-up is gemaakt in een incrementele back-up. Een VM toont bijvoorbeeld een ingerichte ruimte van 100 GB in VMware:
In NetWorker is er een discrepantie in de grootte van de VM die wordt weergegeven door nsrcapinfo
of mminfo
vergeleken met de grootte van de VM die wordt weergegeven in VMware.
[root@nsr ~]# mminfo -kot -q vmname=win-client01.amer.lan volume type vm_name date time size ssid fl backup_size VMBackupPool.001 Data Domain win-client01.amer.lan 09/23/2024 05:10:00 PM 104 GB 4260485415 cr 104 GB VMBackupPool.002 Data Domain win-client01.amer.lan 09/23/2024 05:39:24 PM 104 GB 4210155532 cr 104 GB VMBackupPool.002 Data Domain win-client01.amer.lan 09/23/2024 09:00:11 PM 104 GB 4109504283 cr 104 GB VMBackupPool.002 Data Domain win-client01.amer.lan 09/24/2024 10:41:44 AM 104 GB 3941781417 cr 104 GB VMBackupPool.002 Data Domain win-client01.amer.lan 09/24/2024 09:00:13 PM 104 GB 3807600797 cr 104 GB VMBackupPool.002 Data Domain win-client01.amer.lan 09/25/2024 09:00:10 PM 104 GB 4143231516 cr 104 GB VMBackupPool.002 Data Domain win-client01.amer.lan 09/26/2024 09:00:12 PM 104 GB 3790996380 cr 104 GB
In VMware is de grootte van de VM bytes in binaire kilo (1024) van bytes; terwijl in NetWorker de grootte van de VM wordt weergegeven in metrische kilo (1000) van KiB. De binaire kilo is in eenheden van KiB, MiB, GiB, TiB enzovoort. Metrische kilo-eenheden zijn in KB, MB, GB, TB, enzovoort.
De grootte komt overeen met wat wordt gerapporteerd in VMware bij het converteren van de grootte van een VM-opslagsets in bytes naar binaire kilo.
Voer het volgende uit mminfo
commando met een uitgebreid sumsize
kolom. De uitgebreide sumsize
De kolom toont de ingerichte grootte in bytes in plaats van de geconverteerde eenheidsgrootte.
mminfo -kot -q vmname=vm_name -r "savetime,ssid,sumsize(15)"
[root@nsr ~]# mminfo -kot -q vmname=win-client01.amer.lan -r "savetime,ssid,sumsize(15)" date ssid size ... 09/26/2024 3790996380 107479425880
De eenheid die wordt weergegeven in NetWorker is bytes. Bytes moeten worden geconverteerd naar een binaire kilo-eenheid (GiB) om overeen te komen met VMware:
Size_in_Bytes / 1024 = KiB / 1024 = MiB / 1024 = GiB
107479425880 Bytes / 1024 = 104960376.83 KiB / 1024 = 102500.36 MiB / 1024 = 100.09 GiB
We kunnen zien dat de grootte bijna 1:1 overeenkomt tussen NetWorker en VMware na conversie naar binaire kilo.
mminfo -r
- Toont de totale ingerichte grootte (in bytes) van alle schijfstations die op de VM zijn geconfigureerdoccupiedvmdiskutil
- Totale ruimte die wordt ingenomen (in bytes) door de gegevens/bestanden op de VMmminfo -kot -r "vmname(20),ssid,savetime,totalvmdiskutil,occupiedvmdiskutil" vm_name ssid date totalvmdiskutil occupiedvmdiskutil winclient02 4249867714 05/01/2023 96058994688 39817691136 linuxclient01 4233090498 05/01/2023 15435038720 8569937920
mminfo output:
Het rapport voor een opslagset bevat de "Changed Bytes" van elke VMDK op de VM. Dit vertegenwoordigt de hoeveelheid data waarvan een back-up is gemaakt in de opgegeven opslagset.
mminfo -kot -q vmname=VM_NAME
Rapport voor de opslagset:mminfo -aS -q ssid=SSID
root@lnx-nwserv:~# mminfo -aS -q ssid=2463462732 .... \"disks\": [ { \"display-name\": \"Hard disk 1\", \"datastore\": \"esx01-datastore\", \"datastore-moref\": \"datastore-11\", \"disk-key\": 2000, \"size-kb\": 104857600, \"thin\": true, \"disk_mode\": \"persistent\", \"disk_stats\": { \"Statistics\": { \"ProvisionedBytes\": 107374182400, \"UsedBytes\": 28354609152, \"ChangedBytes\": 166723584, \"SecondsTaken\": 67 }, \"DDStatistics\": { \"PreClientCompBytes\": 122079139, \"PostClientCompBytes\": 35083803, \"TotalSegments\": 18984, \"RedundantSegments\": 4798 }, \"BaseFileName\": \"[esx01-datastore] win-client01/win-client01.vmdk\"\ } }, { \"display-name\": \"Hard disk 2\", \"datastore\": \"esx01-datastore\", \"datastore-moref\": \"datastore-11\", \"disk-key\": 2001, \"size-kb\": 15728640, \"thin\": true, \"disk_mode\": \"persistent\", \"disk_stats\": { \"Statistics\": { \"ProvisionedBytes\": 16106127360, \"UsedBytes\": 16087384064, \"ChangedBytes\": 589824, \"SecondsTaken\": 28 }, \"DDStatistics\": { \"PreClientCompBytes\": 219923, \"PostClientCompBytes\": 36245, \"TotalSegments\": 62, \"RedundantSegments\": 35 }, \"BaseFileName\": \"[esx01-datastore] win-client01/win-client01_1.vmdk\ \" ...
2022-10-20T02:04:57Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] DiskStats: Disk Label | Mode | Bytes Moved | Read Rate | Write Rate | Overhead | VDDK Wait | Total Time | VM MORef | VM Name 2022-10-20T02:04:57Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] DiskStats: ------------- | ------ | ----------- | ------------ | ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | --------- | ------------------------------ 2022-10-20T02:04:57Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] DiskStats: Total | | 8 GiB | 107 MiB/s | 293 MiB/s | 0:00:37 | 0:00:19 | 0:03:44 | vm-7002 | winclient02
Deze logbestanden zijn beschikbaar op de NetWorker-server onder: /nsr/logs/polict/policy_name/workflow_name/
De sessielogboeken worden ook opgeslagen op de vProxy onder: /opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/
Uitvoer rapporteert het exacte aantal bytes dat tijdens de back-up is verzonden.
Linux NetWorker server:
# grep -rnw "DiskStats: Total" /nsr/logs/policy/VMware/Image-Protection/ | grep -v "0 Bytes"
root@lnx-nwserv:~# grep -rnw "DiskStats: Total" /nsr/logs/policy/VMware/Image-Protection/ | grep -v "0 Bytes" /nsr/logs/policy/VMware/Image-Protection/000020-lnx_client02-2024-2-5-11-32-42.log:662:2024-02-05T16:32:40Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 185] DiskStats: Total | | 8 GiB | 113 MiB/s | 244 MiB/s | 0:00:17 | 0:00:35 | 0:02:23 | vm-1010 | lnx-client02 /nsr/logs/policy/VMware/Image-Protection/000021-lnx_nwserv-2024-2-5-11-33-25.log:668:2024-02-05T16:33:22Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 185] DiskStats: Total | | 11 GiB | 72 MiB/s | 134 MiB/s | 0:00:17 | 157.0 ms | 0:03:06 | vm-4005| lnx-nwserv /nsr/logs/policy/VMware/Image-Protection/000023-win_client01-2024-2-5-11-34-18.log:664:2024-02-05T16:34:14Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 185] DiskStats: Total | | 19 GiB | 104 MiB/s | 265 MiB/s | 0:00:17 | 0:00:18 | 0:03:58 | vm-1009 | win-client01 /nsr/logs/policy/VMware/Image-Protection/000022-win_sql01-2024-2-5-11-35-59.log:670:2024-02-05T16:35:58Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 185] DiskStats: Total | | 26 GiB | 104 MiB/s | 318 MiB/s | 0:00:17 | 1.8 us | 0:04:49 | vm-1012 | win-sql01 /nsr/logs/policy/VMware/Image-Protection/000024-lnx_client01-2024-2-5-11-44-12.log:663:2024-02-05T16:44:09Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 185] DiskStats: Total | | 8 GiB | 112 MiB/s | 359 MiB/s | 0:00:16 | 0:00:16 | 0:01:59 | vm-1008 | lnx-client01 /nsr/logs/policy/VMware/Image-Protection/000025-win_client02-2024-2-5-11-45-7.log:666:2024-02-05T16:45:05Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 185] DiskStats: Total | | 16 GiB | 112 MiB/s | 366 MiB/s | 0:00:16 | 71.2 ms | 0:02:55 | vm-1011 | win-client02 /nsr/logs/policy/VMware/Image-Protection/000026-win_sql02-2024-2-5-11-47-32.log:670:2024-02-05T16:47:27Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 185] DiskStats: Total | | 21 GiB | 92 MiB/s | 350 MiB/s | 0:00:17 | 1.3 us | 0:04:44 | vm-1013 | win-sql02 /nsr/logs/policy/VMware/Image-Protection/032065-lnx_client02-2024-2-5-23-2-13.log:665:2024-02-06T04:02:10Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 185] DiskStats: Total | | 5 GiB | 61 MiB/s | 338 MiB/s | 0:00:16 | 185.8 ms | 0:01:54 | vm-1010 | lnx-client02 /nsr/logs/policy/VMware/Image-Protection/032062-lnx_client01-2024-2-5-23-2-18.log:670:2024-02-06T04:02:15Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 185] DiskStats: Total | | 5 GiB | 61 MiB/s | 333 MiB/s | 0:00:17 | 88.2 ms | 0:01:59 | vm-1008 | lnx-client01 /nsr/logs/policy/VMware/Image-Protection/032066-lnx_nwserv-2024-2-5-23-2-44.log:666:2024-02-06T04:02:39Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 185] DiskStats: Total | | 5 GiB | 53 MiB/s | 326 MiB/s | 0:00:17 | 0:00:17 | 0:02:22 | vm-4005 | lnx-nwserv /nsr/logs/policy/VMware/Image-Protection/032064-win_sql02-2024-2-5-23-5-29.log:672:2024-02-06T04:05:24Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 185] DiskStats: Total | | 9 GiB | 55 MiB/s | 217 MiB/s | 0:00:17 | 82.6 ms | 0:04:50 | vm-1013 |win-sql02 /nsr/logs/policy/VMware/Image-Protection/032067-win_sql01-2024-2-5-23-5-30.log:674:2024-02-06T04:05:24Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 185] DiskStats: Total | | 9 GiB | 52 MiB/s | 249 MiB/s | 0:00:17 | 0:00:33 | 0:05:07 | vm-1012 |win-sql01 /nsr/logs/policy/VMware/Image-Protection/032063-win_client02-2024-2-5-23-5-58.log:669:2024-02-06T04:05:56Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 185] DiskStats: Total | | 11 GiB | 57 MiB/s | 279 MiB/s | 0:00:17 | 0:00:17 | 0:05:22 | vm-1011 | win-client02 /nsr/logs/policy/VMware/Image-Protection/032068-win_client01-2024-2-5-23-6-9.log:672:2024-02-06T04:06:07Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 185] DiskStats: Total | | 12 GiB | 54 MiB/s | 226 MiB/s | 0:00:17 | 1.6 us | 0:04:56 | vm-1009| win-client01 /nsr/logs/policy/VMware/Image-Protection/096083-lnx_client01-2024-2-6-23-1-24.log:665:2024-02-07T04:01:19Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 39] DiskStats: Total | | 4 MiB | 4 MiB/s | 312 MiB/s | 0:00:17 | 957 ns | 0:01:04 | vm-1008| lnx-client01 /nsr/logs/policy/VMware/Image-Protection/096086-lnx_client02-2024-2-6-23-2-31.log:671:2024-02-07T04:02:29Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 39] DiskStats: Total | | 4 GiB | 52 MiB/s | 150 MiB/s | 0:00:16 | 1.2 us | 0:02:13 | vm-1010| lnx-client02 /nsr/logs/policy/VMware/Image-Protection/096084-win_client02-2024-2-6-23-3-11.log:668:2024-02-07T04:03:09Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 39] DiskStats: Total | | 3 GiB | 39 MiB/s | 216 MiB/s | 0:00:16 | 72.9 ms | 0:02:24 | vm-1011| win-client02 /nsr/logs/policy/VMware/Image-Protection/096088-win_sql01-2024-2-6-23-3-14.log:668:2024-02-07T04:03:12Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 39] DiskStats: Total | | 5 GiB | 55 MiB/s | 236 MiB/s | 0:00:17 | 141.7 ms | 0:02:39 | vm-1012 | win-sql01 /nsr/logs/policy/VMware/Image-Protection/096085-win_sql02-2024-2-6-23-3-16.log:666:2024-02-07T04:03:09Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 39] DiskStats: Total | | 3 GiB | 38 MiB/s | 233 MiB/s | 0:00:16 | 0:00:16 | 0:02:35 | vm-1013 | win-sql02 /nsr/logs/policy/VMware/Image-Protection/096089-win_client01-2024-2-6-23-3-38.log:668:2024-02-07T04:03:31Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 39] DiskStats: Total | | 3 GiB | 34 MiB/s | 214 MiB/s | 0:00:17 | 1.1 us | 0:02:24 | vm-1009| win-client01 /nsr/logs/policy/VMware/Image-Protection/096087-lnx_nwserv-2024-2-6-23-3-55.log:670:2024-02-07T04:03:50Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 39] DiskStats: Total | | 7 GiB | 53 MiB/s | 238 MiB/s | 0:00:17 | 0:00:17 | 0:03:18 | vm-4005 | lnx-nwserv
Windows NetWorker server (PowerShell):
Select-String -Path "C:\Program Files\EMC NetWorker\nsr\logs\policy\POLICY-NAME\WORKFLOW-NAME\*.log" -Pattern 'DiskStats: Total'
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Select-String -Path "C:\Program Files\EMC NetWorker\nsr\logs\policy\Gold\VMware\*.log" -Pattern 'DiskStats: Total' C:\Program Files\EMC NetWorker\nsr\logs\policy\Gold\VMware\320072-winclient02-2023-2-27-19-5-37.log:767:2023-02-28T03:06:53Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 40] DiskStats: Total | | 8 GiB | 71 MiB/s | 219 MiB/s | 0:00:37 | 2.1 us | 0:05:01 | vm-7002 | winclient02 C:\Program Files\EMC NetWorker\nsr\logs\policy\Gold\VMware\320073-linuxclient01-2023-2-27-19-1-12.log:648:2023-02-28T03:02:27Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 40] DiskStats: Total | | 105 MiB | 11 MiB/s | 65 MiB/s | 0:00:18 | 1.4 us | 0:00:55 | vm-2002 | linuxclient01 C:\Program Files\EMC NetWorker\nsr\logs\policy\Gold\VMware\320392-winclient02-2023-2-28-19-4-44.log:766:2023-03-01T03:05:59Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 40] DiskStats: Total | | 7 GiB | 83 MiB/s | 241 MiB/s | 0:00:37 | 2.2 us | 0:04:05 | vm-7002 | winclient02 C:\Program Files\EMC NetWorker\nsr\logs\policy\Gold\VMware\320393-linuxclient01-2023-2-28-19-1-7.log:646:2023-03-01T03:02:24Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 40] DiskStats: Total | | 21 MiB | 7 MiB/s | 46 MiB/s | 0:00:18 | 996 ns | 0:00:49 | vm-2002 | linuxclient01 C:\Program Files\EMC NetWorker\nsr\logs\policy\Gold\VMware\320600-linuxclient01-2023-3-1-9-4-3.log:647:2023-03-01T17:05:17Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 40] DiskStats: Total | | 92 MiB | 11 MiB/s | 71 MiB/s | 0:00:18 | 1.4 us | 0:00:51 | vm-2002 | linuxclient01 C:\Program Files\EMC NetWorker\nsr\logs\policy\Gold\VMware\320605-linuxclient01-2023-3-1-9-10-41.log:646:2023-03-01T17:11:56Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 40] DiskStats: Total | | 960 KiB | 16 MiB/s | 188 MiB/s | 0:00:18 | 876 ns | 0:00:29 | vm-2002 | linuxclient01 C:\Program Files\EMC NetWorker\nsr\logs\policy\Gold\VMware\737498-winclient01-2022-10-17-19-1-0.log:637:2022-10-18T02:01:14Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] DiskStats: Total | | 0 Bytes | 0 MiB/s | 0 MiB/s | 0 ns | 0 ns | 0:00:03 | vm-5001 | winclient01 C:\Program Files\EMC NetWorker\nsr\logs\policy\Gold\VMware\737499-linuxclient01-2022-10-17-19-1-20.log:647:2022-10-18T02:01:36Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] DiskStats: Total | | 116 MiB | 12 MiB/s | 62 MiB/s | 0:00:18 | 247.1 ms | 0:00:59 | vm-2002 | linuxclient01 C:\Program Files\EMC NetWorker\nsr\logs\policy\Gold\VMware\737500-winclient02-2022-10-17-19-3-43.log:767:2022-10-18T02:04:00Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] DiskStats: Total | | 8 GiB | 122 MiB/s | 286 MiB/s | 0:00:37 | 0:00:18 | 0:03:24 | vm-7002 | winclient02 C:\Program Files\EMC NetWorker\nsr\logs\policy\Gold\VMware\737861-winclient01-2022-10-18-19-1-11.log:637:2022-10-19T02:01:25Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] DiskStats: Total | | 0 Bytes | 0 MiB/s | 0 MiB/s | 0 ns | 0 ns | 0:00:02 | vm-5001 | winclient01 C:\Program Files\EMC NetWorker\nsr\logs\policy\Gold\VMware\737862-linuxclient01-2022-10-18-19-1-8.log:646:2022-10-19T02:01:25Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] DiskStats: Total | | 28 MiB | 7 MiB/s | 49 MiB/s | 0:00:18 | 241.6 ms | 0:00:49 | vm-2002 | linuxclient01 C:\Program Files\EMC NetWorker\nsr\logs\policy\Gold\VMware\737863-winclient02-2022-10-18-19-3-47.log:765:2022-10-19T02:04:07Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] DiskStats: Total | | 8 GiB | 117 MiB/s | 296 MiB/s | 0:00:37 | 0:00:18 | 0:03:30 | vm-7002 | winclient02 C:\Program Files\EMC NetWorker\nsr\logs\policy\Gold\VMware\738211-winclient01-2022-10-19-19-0-59.log:637:2022-10-20T02:01:51Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] DiskStats: Total | | 0 Bytes | 0 MiB/s | 0 MiB/s | 0 ns | 0 ns | 0:00:03 | vm-5001 | winclient01 C:\Program Files\EMC NetWorker\nsr\logs\policy\Gold\VMware\738212-linuxclient01-2022-10-19-19-1-19.log:646:2022-10-20T02:02:09Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] DiskStats: Total | | 93 MiB | 10 MiB/s | 78 MiB/s | 0:00:19 | 536.2 ms | 0:00:57 | vm-2002 | linuxclient01 C:\Program Files\EMC NetWorker\nsr\logs\policy\Gold\VMware\738213-winclient02-2022-10-19-19-4-5.log:765:2022-10-20T02:04:57Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 54] DiskStats: Total | | 8 GiB | 107 MiB/s | 293 MiB/s | 0:00:37 | 0:00:19 | 0:03:44 | vm-7002 | winclient02
vProxy Appliance:
# grep -rnw "DiskStats: Total" /opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/ | grep -v "0 Bytes"
vproxy01:~ # grep -rnw "DiskStats: Total" /opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/ | grep -v "0 Bytes" /opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/20240205_1/BackupVmSessions-0e0d3479-5a7f-4bbf-badc-6613eed75184.log:664:2024-02-05T16:34:14Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 185] DiskStats: Total | | 19 GiB | 104 MiB/s | 265 MiB/s | 0:00:17 | 0:00:18 | 0:03:58 | vm-1009 | win-client01 /opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/20240205_1/BackupVmSessions-d22ac361-80c5-4d5e-a3ba-73290bdf2c2a.log:670:2024-02-05T16:35:58Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 185] DiskStats: Total | | 26 GiB | 104 MiB/s | 318 MiB/s | 0:00:17 | 1.8 us | 0:04:49 | vm-1012 | win-sql01 /opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/20240205_1/BackupVmSessions-2319829e-e2a6-4b83-b98a-08f4daa53d90.log:662:2024-02-05T16:32:40Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 185] DiskStats: Total | | 8 GiB | 113 MiB/s | 244 MiB/s | 0:00:17 | 0:00:35 | 0:02:23 | vm-1010 | lnx-client02 /opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/20240205_1/BackupVmSessions-bb51e601-1ca6-4c8c-a08f-c8997459271f.log:668:2024-02-05T16:33:22Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 185] DiskStats: Total | | 11 GiB | 72 MiB/s | 134 MiB/s | 0:00:17 | 157.0 ms | 0:03:06 | vm-4005 | lnx-nwserv /opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/20240206_1/BackupVmSessions-f91c253f-0cca-4398-bb82-0d5adce5fc58.log:830:2024-02-06T09:03:03Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 185] DiskStats: Total | | 146 MiB | 10 MiB/s | 174 MiB/s | 0:00:17 | 2.2 us | 0:01:00 | vm-1012 | win-sql01 /opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/20240206_1/BackupVmSessions-0dba89ea-d8e7-4184-946d-1ca8e43a9f0a.log:672:2024-02-06T04:06:07Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 185] DiskStats: Total | | 12 GiB | 54 MiB/s | 226 MiB/s | 0:00:17 | 1.6 us | 0:04:56 | vm-1009 | win-client01 /opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/20240206_1/BackupVmSessions-2d4ab7ff-b523-42be-92f3-03b48a5ea42c.log:665:2024-02-06T04:02:10Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 185] DiskStats: Total | | 5 GiB | 61 MiB/s | 338 MiB/s | 0:00:16 | 185.8 ms | 0:01:54 | vm-1010 | lnx-client02 /opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/20240206_1/BackupVmSessions-f2b57a78-9427-4da6-a0c0-b395b5baed78.log:666:2024-02-06T04:02:39Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 185] DiskStats: Total | | 5 GiB | 53 MiB/s | 326 MiB/s | 0:00:17 | 0:00:17 | 0:02:22 | vm-4005 | lnx-nwserv /opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/20240206_1/BackupVmSessions-a3a50143-4541-479b-8290-2fdb6de4b60b.log:674:2024-02-06T04:05:24Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 185] DiskStats: Total | | 9 GiB | 52 MiB/s | 249 MiB/s | 0:00:17 | 0:00:33 | 0:05:07 | vm-1012 | win-sql01 /opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/20240207_1/BackupVmSessions-7bab71a7-6ed3-474e-894f-0d704e746627.log:670:2024-02-07T04:03:50Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 39] DiskStats: Total | | 7 GiB | 53 MiB/s | 238 MiB/s | 0:00:17 | 0:00:17 | 0:03:18 | vm-4005 | lnx-nwserv /opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/20240207_1/BackupVmSessions-e233c1d2-b792-431e-820f-a6915f56f86e.log:825:2024-02-07T09:01:57Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 39] DiskStats: Total | | 81 MiB | 8 MiB/s | 151 MiB/s | 0:00:17 | 5.1 us | 0:00:52 | vm-1012 | win-sql01 /opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/20240207_1/BackupVmSessions-ab52e4b3-e28c-47c5-8402-8d19760b2172.log:668:2024-02-07T04:03:31Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 39] DiskStats: Total | | 3 GiB | 34 MiB/s | 214 MiB/s | 0:00:17 | 1.1 us | 0:02:24 | vm-1009 | win-client01 /opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/20240207_1/BackupVmSessions-300b8139-6340-4578-a282-a5a3616f2c6d.log:668:2024-02-07T04:03:12Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 39] DiskStats: Total | | 5 GiB | 55 MiB/s | 236 MiB/s | 0:00:17 | 141.7 ms | 0:02:39 | vm-1012 | win-sql01 /opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/20240207_1/BackupVmSessions-53ad630b-2585-44d2-a9fa-e66bc14abe1f.log:671:2024-02-07T04:02:29Z INFO: [@(#) Build number: 39] DiskStats: Total | | 4 GiB | 52 MiB/s | 150 MiB/s | 0:00:16 | 1.2 us | 0:02:13 | vm-1010 | lnx-client02
NVP vProxy: nsrcapinfo
rapporteert de ingerichte grootte van VM's
De details van de uitgevouwen opslagset geven de Data Domain-statistieken voor de opslagset weer:
mminfo -S -q ssid=ssid
mminfo -S -q ssid=3720041881 ssid=3720041881 savetime=12/16/2021 10:04:55 AM (1639667095) vcenter67.emclab.local:vm:50272f26-fc0c-0ea9-5c8e-bd6c90e7ec48:vcenter67.emclab.local level=full sflags=vrF size=42991639100 files=1 insert=12/16/2021 create=12/16/2021 complete=12/16/2021 browse=12/23/2021 10:04:53 AM retent=12/23/2021 11:59:59 PM clientid=962f7c00-00000004-5f0741a9-5f074d91-00085000-585ebb56 **backup start time: 1639667095; *backup_device: Data Domain; *backup_mode: VSS; *policy action name: "backup: 1639667097"; *policy name: "VMware: 1639667097"; *policy workflow name: "VC67_Manual: 1639667097"; *policy_workflow_action_path: /VMware/VC67_Manual/backup; *proxy_hostname: nvpvproxy1.emclab.local; *ss data domain backup cloneid: 1639667097; *ss data domain dedup statistics: "v1:1639667097:42949704234:26758:15517"; *SSID directory: Yes; *vcenter_hostname: vcenter67.emclab.local; *vm_backup_level: incr; *vm_info: \ ...
De regel "ss data domain deduplication statistics" toont het volgende: "Save Time (Epoch): Save Set Size (Bytes): Post-deduplicatie (bytes): Postcompressie (bytes)"
De regel "vm_backup_level" geeft het uitgevoerde back-upniveau aan. Als er een kloonkopie van de saveset is die zich op een ander Data Domain bevindt, ziet u twee regels
"ss data domain deduplication statistics".Zie de gerelateerde documentatie voor meer informatie: