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NVP vProxy:虚拟机备份性能和吞吐量故障处理

Summary: 有许多因素可以提高虚拟机备份性能。本知识库文章概述了如何查看虚拟机备份会话在完成指定虚拟机备份所需的时间以及在备份期间观察到的吞吐量方面的信息。

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《NetWorker Vmware 集成指南“性能可扩展性”部分概述了性能和可扩展性选项以及最佳实践,该指南可通过以下链接获得:

1.在 NetWorker 服务器上,创建输入文件(例如:vmperf)
. type: save job; vm_name: VM_NAME
sh vm_name; job output; start time; end time; job log file
提醒:将 VM_NAME 替换为受影响虚拟机的名称。您可以从  mminfo -kot 输出中获取此信息。

[root@nwserver ~]# jobquery -i vmperf
Current query set
                    end time: 1654567313;
                job log file: \
                  job output: Backup completed successfully.;
                  start time: 1654567245;
                     vm_name: winclient01;
end time: 1654480913;
                job log file: \
                  job output: Backup completed successfully.;
                  start time: 1654480845;
                     vm_name: winclient01;
end time: 1654394509;
                job log file: \
                  job output: Backup completed successfully.;
                  start time: 1654394446;
                     vm_name: winclient01;
4.输出的时间在 UNIX 时间内,但可以使用以下内容进行转换:date -d@UNIX_TIME
[root@nwserver ~]# date -d@1654394446
Sat Jun  4 19:00:46 PDT 2022
[root@nwserver ~]# date -d@1654394509
Sat Jun  4 19:01:49 PDT 2022
[root@nwserver ~]# cat /nsr/logs/policy/Gold/VMware/352801-winclient01-2022-6-4-19-1-47.log | grep "DiskStats"
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO:   [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: Disk Label    |  Mode  | Bytes Moved |  Read Rate   |  Write Rate  |     Overhead  |   VDDK Wait   |   Total Time  | VM MORef  | VM Name
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO:   [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: ------------- | ------ | ----------- | ------------ | ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | --------- | ------------------------------
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO:   [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: Hard disk 1   | hotadd |      94 MiB |     17 MiB/s |    103 MiB/s |       0:00:17 |       0:00:16 |       0:00:56 | vm-5001   | winclient01
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO:   [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: Total         |        |      94 MiB |     17 MiB/s |    103 MiB/s |       0:00:17 |       0:00:16 |       0:00:56 | vm-5001   | winclient01
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO:   [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: CSV: Generate stats in CSV format for friendly import to spreadsheet.
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO:   [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: CSV: VM MORef,VM Name,Disk Label,Mode,Bytes Moved,Total Time (sec),Overhead (sec),VDDK Wait (sec),Read Rate (b/s),Write Rate (b/s)
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO:   [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: CSV: vm-5001,winclient01,Hard disk 1,hotadd,98369536,56,17,17,17673109,107196400

cat /nsr/policy/POLICY_NAME/WORKFLOW_NAME/*VM_NAME*.log | grep DiskStats
[root@nwserver ~]# cat /nsr/logs/policy/Gold/VMware/*winclient01*.log | grep "DiskStats"
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO:   [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: Disk Label    |  Mode  | Bytes Moved |  Read Rate   |  Write Rate  |     Overhead  |   VDDK Wait   |   Total Time  | VM MORef  | VM Name
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO:   [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: ------------- | ------ | ----------- | ------------ | ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | --------- | ------------------------------
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO:   [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: Hard disk 1   | hotadd |      94 MiB |     17 MiB/s |    103 MiB/s |       0:00:17 |       0:00:16 |       0:00:56 | vm-5001   | winclient01
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO:   [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: Total         |        |      94 MiB |     17 MiB/s |    103 MiB/s |       0:00:17 |       0:00:16 |       0:00:56 | vm-5001   | winclient01
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO:   [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: CSV: Generate stats in CSV format for friendly import to spreadsheet.
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO:   [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: CSV: VM MORef,VM Name,Disk Label,Mode,Bytes Moved,Total Time (sec),Overhead (sec),VDDK Wait (sec),Read Rate (b/s),Write Rate (b/s)
2022-06-05T02:01:48Z INFO:   [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: CSV: vm-5001,winclient01,Hard disk 1,hotadd,98369536,56,17,17,17673109,107196400
2022-06-06T02:01:48Z INFO:   [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: Disk Label    |  Mode  | Bytes Moved |  Read Rate   |  Write Rate  |     Overhead  |   VDDK Wait   |   Total Time  | VM MORef  | VM Name
2022-06-06T02:01:48Z INFO:   [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: ------------- | ------ | ----------- | ------------ | ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | --------- | ------------------------------
2022-06-06T02:01:48Z INFO:   [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: Hard disk 1   | hotadd |      95 MiB |     16 MiB/s |    119 MiB/s |       0:00:17 |       0:00:16 |       0:00:56 | vm-5001   | winclient01
2022-06-06T02:01:48Z INFO:   [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: Total         |        |      95 MiB |     16 MiB/s |    119 MiB/s |       0:00:17 |       0:00:16 |       0:00:56 | vm-5001   | winclient01
2022-06-06T02:01:48Z INFO:   [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: CSV: Generate stats in CSV format for friendly import to spreadsheet.
2022-06-06T02:01:48Z INFO:   [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: CSV: VM MORef,VM Name,Disk Label,Mode,Bytes Moved,Total Time (sec),Overhead (sec),VDDK Wait (sec),Read Rate (b/s),Write Rate (b/s)
2022-06-06T02:01:48Z INFO:   [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: CSV: vm-5001,winclient01,Hard disk 1,hotadd,99221504,57,17,17,16272803,124243462
2022-06-07T02:01:49Z INFO:   [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: Disk Label    |  Mode  | Bytes Moved |  Read Rate   |  Write Rate  |     Overhead  |   VDDK Wait   |   Total Time  | VM MORef  | VM Name
2022-06-07T02:01:49Z INFO:   [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: ------------- | ------ | ----------- | ------------ | ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | --------- | ------------------------------
2022-06-07T02:01:49Z INFO:   [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: Hard disk 1   | hotadd |      97 MiB |     15 MiB/s |    110 MiB/s |       0:00:16 |       0:00:16 |       0:00:57 | vm-5001   | winclient01
2022-06-07T02:01:49Z INFO:   [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: Total         |        |      97 MiB |     15 MiB/s |    110 MiB/s |       0:00:16 |       0:00:16 |       0:00:57 | vm-5001   | winclient01
2022-06-07T02:01:49Z INFO:   [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: CSV: Generate stats in CSV format for friendly import to spreadsheet.
2022-06-07T02:01:49Z INFO:   [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: CSV: VM MORef,VM Name,Disk Label,Mode,Bytes Moved,Total Time (sec),Overhead (sec),VDDK Wait (sec),Read Rate (b/s),Write Rate (b/s)
2022-06-07T02:01:49Z INFO:   [@(#) Build number: 95] DiskStats: CSV: vm-5

提醒:策略日志遵循 jobsdb 保留(默认值:72 小时)。jobsdb 窗口期过去后,将删除关联的策略日志和作业查询条目;但是,vProxy 设备会将虚拟机备份会话日志本地保留在 /opt/emc/vproxy/runtime/logs/recycle/vbackupd/ 下

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NetWorker Family
Article Properties
Article Number: 000200394
Article Type: How To
Last Modified: 11 May 2024
Version:  11
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