201X/XX/XX 05:46:00.708 - #2 - 27302/26963 - MemoryManager: viscus on assert ... >> 1158731105004683264 :phase1#1 (groupTaskID=(sessionID=1407996198,replicationLinkID= (kVolSlot=XXXXXXXXX,srcCopyID=GlobalCopy(SiteUID(0xXXXXXX) 0) ,destCopyID=GlobalCopy(SiteUID(0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) 0) )),gridCopyID=0) using 0 credit 12463 min 512 max 13056 counter 269585 bound 282048 overld 275816 reachBound 0 standalone ... 201X/XX/XX 05:46:00.713 - #2 - 27091/26963 - RemoteLogSender: got event (uniqueId=0, eventTime=1555998360713692), EventID_KBOX_ASSERTION_FAILED(3031), SiteUID(0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX), seDetails=Sender=replication, Topic=DistributorGroupHandler, msg=Assertion failed: isPhase1CacheMemorySufficient(m_phase1SubConsumer) Line XXXX File DistributorGroupHandlerPhase1.cc PID: XXXXX Info: regular phase1 cache memory not sufficient
When I/O is coming in at a high rate to the replica copy, (for example, during an initialization with extremely fast primary storage,) the Distributor's Phase1 memory allocation, used for moving I/O between the RPAs and the journal, can reach 100%. At the same time, there are additional I/O requests waiting in the queue to be processed. This can cause a RACE condition between freeing the utilized memory and requesting memory for the queued requests. When this occurs, the RPA's replication process can crash. During a first time initialization of a CG, this can lead to reboot regulation, as after every process crash, the same I/O rate will commence once again.
1. Enable I/O Throttling to either Low or High on the Array(s) in question to limit how fast RecoverPoint will read I/O off the Production Array(s).
2. Attempt to initialize CGs sequentially, only attempting one or two at maximum to limit reading off the Production Array(s).
This issue is addressed in the RecoverPoint for Virtual Machines 5.1 and higher.
This issue is not addressed in RecoverPoint Classic. Dell EMC Engineering is currently investigating this issue. A permanent fix is still in progress. Contact the Dell EMC Customer Support Center or your service representative for assistance and reference this solution ID.