Latitude users may notice that Dell Optimizer Collaboration Touchpad (CTP) feature does not work on their laptops.
The Dell Optimizer Collaboration touchpad feature requires the installation of Dell Optimizer (DO) and the Zoom, or the Microsoft Teams for work or school application, and must also be enabled in the BIOS.
The Collaboration Touchpad is available on Dell Latitude 9330, Dell Pro 13 Premium and Latitude 9440 2-in-1 computers. The Collaboration Touchpad is a hardware functionality that displays four icons on your touchpad (Figure 1 for Latitude 9330 and Dell Pro 13 Premium and Figure 2 for Latitude 9440 2-in-1).
(Figure 1. Collaboration Touchpad displays four icons on your Latitude 9330 and Dell Pro 13 Premium touchpad)
(Figure 2. Collaboration Touchpad displays four icons on your Latitude 9440 2-in-1 touchpad)
It allows you to turn on or off your camera, share screen, chat, and microphone status during a Zoom or Microsoft Teams call. Icons on your touchpad illuminate when a Zoom call starts.
To enable this functionality, ensure that you need the followings:
Duration: 00:02:23
When available, closed caption (subtitles) language settings can be chosen using the Settings or CC icon on this video player.