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Dell Optimizer 4.1 Installation Displays Unsupported Version of SupportAssist Has Been Detected Message

Summary: The Dell Optimizer 4.1 (DO 4.1) installer checks if SupportAssist has been installed on the system and if the version is supported. If the version is not supported the installer displays a window with the message, "An unsupported version of SupportAssist has been detected on this system. Please update to the latest version of SupportAssist and rerun this installation." ...

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The following is displayed during DO 4.1 installation (Figure 1 [English only]).
Unsupported version of SupportAssist message
Figure 1: Unsupported version of SupportAssist message


Dell Optimizer 4.1 is not compatible with SupportAssist for Home PCs prior to version 3.14. It is also not compatible with SupportAssist for Business PCs prior to version 3.4.
If these incompatible versions of SupportAssist are installed on the system, the DO 4.1 installer displays a message to install the latest version of SupportAssist and terminate without completing the install.


  1. Use one of the following options to resolve this issue:
    • Uninstall SupportAssist, or
    • Upgrade SupportAssist for Home PCs to version 3.14 (or later), or
    • Upgrade SupportAssist for Business PCs to version 3.4 (or later)
  2. Then install Dell Optimizer 4.1.

Affected Products

SupportAssist for Home PCs, SupportAssist for Business PCs
Article Properties
Article Number: 000215348
Article Type: Solution
Last Modified: 28 Jun 2023
Version:  1
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