The plugin runs on the Hub of the Intel Unite® software and manages a mail account specific to each instance, in order to set, modify, join, and remove meetings.
An IT department that uses Microsoft Exchange* will add an Exchange account for the Intel Unite® solution enabled room, which will allow meeting organizers to schedule the room just like any other resource. By default, the plugin will manage calendar invites, accepting new meetings and updated meetings, and declining invites that conflict. Alternately, you can disable this functionality in the plugin and manage the calendar using existing tools.
When meeting participants enter an Intel Unite® solution enabled room that has the plugin installed and has a meeting scheduled, they will enter the PIN, click on the Intel Unite® Plugin for Skype for Business, and select Join. This action will cause the Hub to join the Skype for Business meeting.
When Skype for Business Participants share content, the Hub will display the content, full screen in the room so that Intel Unite® client participants can view. When the Intel Unite® client participants share content, the Hub will share that content to the Skype for Business meeting.
In addition, if audio or video devices are attached and available to Skype for Business, users connected to the Intel Unite® application will be able to control those devices through the plugin for Skype for Business.
In addition to the minimum hub requirements, the following requirements also apply:Refer to the Skype for business plugin documentation for additional setup, considerations, prerequisites and troubleshooting.
Installation of the Intel® Unite™ Plugin for Skype for BusinessOn the Hub:
Figure 2: Microphone On/Off
Please check Plugin Guide for Skype for more details
The plugin does not appear in the Intel Unite® app or the plugin appears but when you click in the plugin window it says, "Not Connected"
Possible Cause and Resolution:
There are a few reasons that can happen. The easiest way to determine what is happening is to enable debug mode for the plugin and launch Intel Unite® in debug mode. To enable debug mode for the plugin, refer to the registry setting in Appendix A. To launch the Intel Unite® app in debug mode, open a command window and launch Intel® Unite™ .exe with the debug flag by typing the following (including the quotes):
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel® Unite™ \Hub\Intel® Unite™ .exe" /debug
There will be 2 debug consoles, one looks like a text document and is the Intel Unite® app console, the other is a window that looks like a CMD window and will give more information.
The plugin was unable to interact with Skype for Business
Possible Cause and Resolution:
Ensure Skype for Business is installed and logged in before the Intel Unite® app starts on the hub.
The Join button doesn’t appear inside the plugin window
Possible Cause and Resolution:
This indicates that the plugin doesn’t find a Skype for Business meeting in the current schedule. Verify that a Skype for Business meeting is scheduled for the current time and was accepted by the Skype for Business user associated with the Hub you are connected to.
The Join button appears, but doesn’t do anything
Possible Cause and Resolution:
This indicates that the plugin is unable to launch the meeting. To join a meeting, the Plugin attempts to launch the meeting using Internet Explorer (on the hub). Ensure that Internet Explorer is installed. In addition, you can enable debug mode, which will give you an additional "Toggle" button which will allow you to toggle the screen (which hides Intel Unite®) and attempt to join the meeting.
In doing the above, you may be able to better identify if Skype for Business is failing to join the meeting for a different reason.
Possible Cause and Resolution:
This indicates that the plugin is unable to launch the meeting. To join a meeting, the Plugin attempts to launch the meeting using Internet Explorer (on the hub). Ensure that Internet Explorer is installed. In addition, you can enable debug mode, which will give you an additional "Toggle" button which will allow you to toggle the screen (which hides Intel Unite®) and attempt to join the meeting.
The scheduled meeting was not accepted or declined by the plugin for Skype for Business.
Possible Cause and Resolution:
The system may have been offline when the meeting invite was sent or the Skype for Business app was not installed.
The Camera and/or Microphone controls do not show up inside the plugin window.
Possible Cause and Resolution:
The plugin will only show the Camera and Microphone buttons when connected to a meeting, and only if Skype for Business is configured to use the devices. To troubleshoot this, you may need to re-configure Skype for Business to use the devices
Somebody requested control through Skype for Business while the Hub was presenting.
Possible Cause and Resolution:
When this happens, the request will eventually time out. The plugin currently doesn’t handle these types of requests
Check the Plugin Guide for Protected Guest Access for more details
The Intel Unite® plugin for Protected Guest Access allows a Guest Client device to connect to a Hub without the need to be on the same Enterprise network.
This is possible because the Hub can create an ad-hoc/hosted network (Access Point) where the device can connect, download, or join the Intel Unite® application for their client device.
Installation prerequisites:
While it is possible to run the Protected Guest Access with the hub running as a wireless client, this configuration may introduce stability issues.
Mode: Enterprise or Standalone
Recommended Security Controls:
Turn off network bridging on the hub that is running Guest Access.
Please verify and validate that the Intel Unite® application and the GuestAccessService is added to the Allowed Apps list in your Firewall settings.
Figure 3: Allowed apps