Screenshot below is a hardware diagram view of configuring an Azure Stack HCI Non-Converged network using a SET network team for Management network communication:
Script steps below are run in an Administrative PowerShell window:
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
#region Variables for the scenario
## Management Adapter
$ManagementSwitchName = 'Management'
$ManagementNetAdapterName = @('NIC1','NIC2')
$ManagementAdapterName = 'Management'
# VLAN ID for host management traffic; if no VLAN is preferred set this to 0
$ManagementVlanId = 102
# Management Gateway address
$ManagementGateway = ''
# DNS Server Address
$ManagementDns = ''
# Set this to a string 'DHCP' for a dynamic IP address
$ManagementIPAddress = ''
# Management address prefix (24 translates to subnet mask
$ManagementAddressPrefix = 24
## Storage Adapters
### You must specify 2 or 4 network adapter port names
$StorageNetAdapterName = @('SLOT 2 PORT 1', 'SLOT 2 PORT 2')
### You must specify 1 or 2 or 4 VLANIDs
### Specify 0 if you want the network not tagged with any VLAN
$StorageVlanId = @(103, 104)
### You must specify 2 or 4 IP Addresses
### DHCP as a value is accepted if you want dynamically assigned IP addresses
$StorageIPAddress = @('', '')
### You can specify 1 or 2 or 4 prefix length values (24 translates to subnet mask
$StorageAddressPrefix = @(24)
## Create a VM switch for management
$null = New-VMSwitch -Name $ManagementSwitchName -AllowManagementOS 0 -NetAdapterName
$ManagementNetAdapterName -MinimumBandwidthMode Weight -Verbose
## Add VM Network Adapters and configure VLANs and IP addresses as needed
### Configure Management Adapter
$managementAdapter = Add-VMNetworkAdapter -SwitchName $ManagementSwitchName
-ManagementOS -Passthru -Name $ManagementAdapterName -Verbose
if ($ManagementVlanId -and ($ManagementVlanId -ne 0))
# Set VM Network adapter VLAN only if the VLAN ID specified is other than 0
Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -VMNetworkAdapter $managementAdapter -Access -VlanId
$ManagementVlanId -Verbose
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
if ($ManagementIPAddress -ne 'DHCP')
$null = New-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias "vEthernet ($ManagementAdapterName)"
-IPAddress $ManagementIPAddress -DefaultGateway $ManagementGateway -PrefixLength
$ManagementAddressPrefix -Verbose
Set-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceAlias "vEthernet ($ManagementAdapterName)"
-ServerAddresses $ManagementDns -Verbose
# if there is a single VLAN for storage use the first and only element
if ($storageVlanId.Count -eq 1)
$storageVlan = $storageVlanId[0]
# else use the right index to get the VLAN ID
$storageVlan = $storageVlanId[$i]
# Check if only one prefix is provided
if ($StorageAddressPrefix.Count -eq 1)
$StoragePrefix = $StorageAddressPrefix[0]
# if more than one, use the right index to get the address prefix
$StoragePrefix = $StorageAddressPrefix[$i]
if ($storageVlan -and ($storageVlan -ne 0))
# Set VM Network adapter VLAN only if the VLAN ID specified is other than 0
Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name $StorageNetAdapterName[$i] -DisplayName
'VLAN ID' -DisplayValue $storageVlan -Verbose
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
if ($StorageIPAddress[$i] -ne 'DHCP')
$null = New-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias $StorageNetAdapterName[$i] -IPAddress
$StorageIPAddress[$i] -PrefixLength $StoragePrefix -Verbose