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PPDM How to delete ddboost user and storage unit automatically created by PPDM appliance

Summary: PPDM has the ability to create automatically ddboost users and storage unit on DD storage when creating a policy, but it does not have an option to remove them from PPDM UI.

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As of now, PPDM does not allow to remove ddboost users and/or storage unit created from PPDM UI and this requires manual work on DD side.

Note that when PPDM creates a ddboost user and SU from PPDM UI, it automatically assigns the DDBoost user to the newly created SU, and the key point on this procedure is the assignment of the DDBoost user to a given SU, as a DDBoost user can not be deleted as long as it is assigned to a SU.

Customer might receive following error message:

" The following user cannot be removed from the DD Boost access list because the user is associated with one or more storage units: ddboost_user_name"


For that reason, it is suggested to remove the DDboost user before the SU, despite SU can also be deleted on first place.


Before applying following procedure, make sure no policy is using this storage unit as the protection target (whatever backup or replication), and no useful backup data in this storage unit to avoid unexpected data loss

Removal of DDBoost user
  • Login into DD GUI and navigate to Protocols, DDBoost, and Select Storage Unit tab.
  • Under this tab, identify the user to be deleted and the SU or SU-s to which it is assigned:
  • Select the Storage unit and click on Edit icon to modify DDBoost user assigned to the SU and un assign the DDBoost user to be deleted:
  • Assign any other of your existing DDBoost users to the Storage Unit:
  • On DD GUI, navigate to Protocols, DDBoost, Settings tab, select the DDBoost user and click on deletion icon to delete it:
  • Alternatively, customer can break the association between a DDBoost user and Storage Unit by logging over ssh to DD and running following command:
          ddboost user unassign <user-name-list>

Removal of Storage Unit
  • Login into DD GUI and navigate to Protocols, DDBoost and select Storage Unit tab.
  • Select Storage unit to be removed and hit on bin icon for removal.

Discovery of Storage

Note that in order to successfully achieve this task, after manually removing the SU and DDBoost User from DD UI, a manual discovery needs to be run from PPDM UI, Infrastructure, Storage so PPDM UI information can be updated.

Compliance service of PPDM will delete the SU/ddboost user when it is no longer required.  This will happen when the policy is no longer required AND when there are no backups associated with the SU.

In case of removing a SU with valid asset copies on it, SU will disappear from PPDM UI but asset copies will remain on PPDM UI until they are expired.

Discovery is ran hourly at a high level and every 24 hours at a more detailed level.  Storage units are discovered every 24 hours.

Removal of User Credentials from PPDM UI

Even after having followed above described actions, DDBoost User credentials might still show up on PPDM UI as shown on following screen shoot:


On this tab, go right all the way and check the value defined under consumer count row:


If this value is set to 0, the credential can be removed, and if it has a different value, it is not possible to remove it.

Additional Information

Regarding removal of User credentials, this issue is currently been investigated by PPDM EE team and it has been classified as a software bug.

A Request For Enhancement has been submitted in order to add the ability for removal on PPDM UI of DDBoost Users and/or Storage Units created by PPDM: PPAS-I-661

Affected Products

APEX Backup Services
Article Properties
Article Number: 000202216
Article Type: How To
Last Modified: 15 Dec 2022
Version:  5
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