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DSS 7500 - Removing, installing or re-seating HDDs may cause neighboring drives to fail if backplane is flexed

Summary: Using excessive force when re-seating, installing or replacing a hot-swap HDD for the Del EMC DSS 7500 may cause neighboring drives to fail if backplane is flexed

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Removing, installing or re-seating a hard disk drive in a Datacenter Scalable Server (DSS) 7500 chassis can result in physical nearby drives going offline or becoming foreign if excessive force is used.

Excessive force can flex the HDD backplane resulting in physical nearby drives becoming disconnected or losing connectivity.


Exercise caution when replacing a drive and be sure to not use excessive force when removing, installing or re-seating a HDD.

See the DSS 7500 Owner's Manual for step by step instructions for installing / removing HDDs.

Affected Products

DSS 7500
Article Properties
Article Number: 000181371
Article Type: Solution
Last Modified: 21 Feb 2021
Version:  2
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