nsrlogin -t tenant_name -t domain -u username
1. Log in to the NetWorker Management Console (NMC) as the default NetWorker Administrator account.
2. Go to Setup->Users and Roles->NMC Roles.
3. Review the Console Users and Application Administrators roles. The External Roles roles fields should contain the Distinguished Name (full path) of an AD group the user belongs to; optionally, the path of a single user can be set.
For example:
4. Once the AD group DN for the AD user is added to the appropriate NMC Roles for that user, test logging into the NMC with that AD user.
If the issue persists, you can verify the AD/LDAP group membership with the following options:
From a windows system on the same domain, run the following Powershell command:
Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity USERNAME
PS C:\Users\Administrator.EMCLAB> Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity bkupadmin
distinguishedName : CN=NetWorker_Admins,CN=Users,DC=emclab,DC=local
GroupCategory : Security
GroupScope : Global
name : NetWorker_Admins
objectClass : group
objectGUID : 058495c7-71c7-42c6-be92-2d8f96a5c2aa
SamAccountName : NetWorker_Admins
SID : S-1-5-21-4085282181-485696706-820049737-1104
The distinguishedName outputted by the command could be used in NetWorker to grant the AD user access to the NMC.
For more information about this command, see: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/activedirectory/get-adprincipalgroupmembership?view=windowsserver2022-ps
You can use the authc_mgmt command to query AD/LDAP user/group membership. On the NetWorker server, open a command prompt (or SSH session) and run the following command syntax:
authc_mgmt -u Administrator -e query-ldap-groups-for-user -D query-tenant=TENANT_NAME -D query-domain=DOMAIN_NAME -D user-name=USER_NAME
PS C:\> authc_mgmt -u Administrator -e query-ldap-groups-for-user -D query-tenant=default -D query-domain=emclab.local -D user-name=bkupadmin
Enter password:
The query returns 2 records.
Group Name Full Dn Name
Remote Desktop Users CN=Remote Desktop Users,CN=Builtin,dc=emclab,dc=local
NetWorker_Admins CN=NetWorker_Admins,CN=Users,dc=emclab,dc=local
The Full Dn Name of one of the groups can be used to grant this AD user access to the NMC.
The configuration and values that are needed for authc_mgmt commands can be collected by running:
authc_config -u Administrator -e find-all-configs authc_config -u Administrator -e find-config -D config-id=CONFIG_ID authc_config -u Administrator -e find-all-tenants