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How to confirm if Dell HAPI driver is installed on the system

Zusammenfassung: How to confirm if Dell HAPI driver is installed on the system

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   Check if Dell HAPI driver is installed on the local computer
    This script checks whether Dell's System Management driver called HAPI driver is installed on the system.

Function Check-DellHapi()
    $a = driverquery.exe /v /fo csv | ConvertFrom-CSV | Where {$_.'Module Name' -match 'Dcdbas'}
    if (! $a) {
        Write-Output "Dell HAPI driver is not installed on $env:COMPUTERNAME."
    else {
        if (!($a.State -eq "Running"))
            Write-Output "Dell HAPI driver is installed but not running on $env:COMPUTERNAME."
             Write-Output "Dell HAPI driver is installed and running on $env:COMPUTERNAME."


Artikelnummer: 000147517
Artikeltyp: Solution
Zuletzt geändert: 21 Feb. 2021
Version:  3
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